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04-17-2007, 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Arkan
Originally Posted by Sparks
Just inflate the cost of bullets, that when someone gets shot... you know they must have did something for someone to cap them with a $100 bullet.
Anyway, if you think you can tax the shit out of ammo, go for it. Alot of shooters reload their own stuff, plus military surplus ammo can be found anywhere for cheap.
Some one watched chris rock, inflate the bullets lol.
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04-17-2007, 11:50 PM
We don't know if Cho did it for himself, can anyone really say they knew what was going on in the mind of Cho as a young child, or five years ago, or five months ago, or five minutes before the first shooting.
What do you mean by "did it for himself?" Like I said, its the first day since, the pieces of the puzzle are still being put together....They said that stuff about the english paper because its true - Its obviously from the mind of a troubled youth. The fact that most of these same sorts of kids involved with spree killings are engaging in the very same behaviour....and dont tell me you ever wrote a story as fucked up as that, with all the expletives etc and ever handed it in to a teacher. That alone is cause for concern.
Just because he wrote a few very harsh papers symbolizing hatred towards a father figure and a teacher figure doesn't really provide substational evidence to say we know what was going on inside his head.
Thats just it, no-ones claiming they know whats going on in his head - people are trying to figure it out, so they can prevent it from happening again.
I'm might be going out on a limb here, but I'm sure people say such harsh things too in journals/diaries. Should we go report them because their a shady figure and we snooped around their items? Where does the right to privacy come into play.What are you talking about privacy? They were for his english class. You hand it in to get marked and your writing is being assesed by someone - its no longer a private thing. MAYBE I'd understand if it were from his private collection that were only for him - But even then - The guy is dead, who gives a fuck if the paper is released and judged? He's dead. Not only that but he killed 32 people - Its kind of pathetic to even give a fuck about honoring the true soul of a dead spree killer.
I wonder if Cho's family wanted those papers given to the media, or if the school violated his privacy rights and gave them out. Granted this is involving state and federal investigation, does the public really need to see those things word for word? Or are we part of a guinea pig scheme to take and swallow what's given to us without question.
Like I said, who gives a fuck about his privacy. This is not the case to launch your conspiracy theorie about the media from...Try something a little less open and shut.
If he being a nice guy or not is irrelevant, why bother to judge him? Why bother to post his English papers? As you said, he murdered innocent people, that's all we as the general public need to know.
To pick out the obvious symptoms of a potential spree-killer - like that english paper, so that people can try to rationalize with whats happening - and try to make sense of why someone would do something like that. Nobody knows for sure why this is happening, not even the media, thats why they use the paper as a talking point. Everybody just wants answers.
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04-17-2007, 11:59 PM
[quote="Unknown_Sniper":8418a]that was exactly my point. Gun control cant stop shooting from happening.[/quote:8418a]
I don't think anyone is saying that - but if you compare japanese gun homicide statistics with the U.S's I think you'd see why your point doesn't work.
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04-18-2007, 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Tripper
He did it for himself.
You actually said that; why would you say it and then rip on me for repeating it in a different context on how no one can be sure he did it for himself, you're losing continuity in your posts and degrading your coherency.
My screen play was actually about a fantasy story with kids, so I didn't need violence in mine. But you're going to tell me there's not at least 50 other kids in the entire USA alone who write stuff like that?
There are such things as student-teacher confidentiality and usually ranges in different forms for schools, but it's typically more or less the same rules regarding written or oral communication/work/stats/etc... being kept between the school and student. People are pretty anal about it too. But again, you're losing continuity by saying it's ok that info is made public even though you earlier said him being crazy or not doesn't really matter.
I'm not even launching conspiracy theories against the media. All I'm saying is that we'll [the general public] never know the truth of what happened at VT or the prior life on Cho.
No one can really prevent school massacres. The Columbine incident was supposedly because they got picked on. VT incident was supposedly because of a girlfriend issue. I don't see the connections or patterns in motives there to prevent future incidents. Journals/notes/home-recordings are usually only found after the incidents.
If you surf online blogs, I'm sure you'll find a handful of posts that talk about having a bad day at school/work and wanting to blow it up or take out a teacher/coworker, they may vary to different degrees, but that does warrant a need to call the fuzz and have them taken in for interrogations? Granted they may not be as bad as Cho's writings, but who's to say by brushing it off it may later turn into something big? Apparently that was the case with Cho from an interview with his English tutor/teacher.
Your last point was valid, so I concur with you there.
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04-18-2007, 12:39 AM
wow, this is totally and utterly pointless--Sparks, you are an idiot. You claim that people are distorting the shooters motivation saying that "we can't know his real causes because nobody actually knew him" yet you suggest alternate motivations with no evidence.
This was a tragic incident that shouldn't have happened. The school officials should have canceled class and locked down the school after the FIRST shooting. We can say all we want about who or what is to blame, but in the end, it doesn't matter; people will always do evil things whether they can buy guns illegally or not, the most we can do is to try to raise people in our society to be able to cope with bad things happening to them and to treat people who aren't capable of doing so.
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04-18-2007, 01:00 AM
Yup, plus the lock down on campus thing, there should of been a general warning over a loud speaker system, but its literally like trying to lock down a small city, 25,000 people aren't going to get the message.
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04-18-2007, 01:13 AM
I heard their swipe access to dorms goes off sometime around 7am and goes back on at 6pm, that's odd to not leave it on 24/7.
At our school there is swipe access to just about everything except classrooms, and they're always active 24/7. And for dorms, you need someone to sign you in so you get a special swipe access card if you don't live at that specific dorm.
I guess we have a pretty tight security system, too tight sometimes that people hate it. I don't have classes Monday, but when I went to class today downtown Chicago and the other campus north of Chicago, they had cops swarming around patrolling both campuses. The swipe access at our school is already like wearing a tight underwear, the security needs to calmdown: .
If something like that went down at our school, they'd be able to conceal the person right away in one room if he was in a swipe access room by locking it. And they'd be able to know right away who was in there.
Plus our cards only work at certain buildings, like I'm a game design major so my card only works at the computer school and its labs, I can't swipe into the music school and other field of study school buildings.
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04-18-2007, 01:44 AM
Originally Posted by Sparks
Originally Posted by Tripper
He did it for himself.
You actually said that; why would you say it and then rip on me for repeating it in a different context on how no one can be sure he did it for himself, you're losing continuity in your posts and degrading your coherency.
Semantics. It wasnt a 'rip' on you - It was an honest question.
My screen play was actually about a fantasy story with kids, so I didn't need violence in mine. But you're going to tell me there's not at least 50 other kids in the entire USA alone who write stuff like that?
Yes, there probably are 50 other kids, and obviously there are going to be some exceptions because a violent story doesnt make a killer, but there are obvious patterns with kids who write troubled stories, and its those kinds of kids that only need to be pushed over the edge, if they have access to guns then that means they're a threat. Of course you can't do anything pre-emptive, but im not implicating that anyone should, im saying that these people should get the help they need from professionals.
There are such things as student-teacher confidentiality and usually ranges in different forms for schools, but it's typically more or less the same rules regarding written or oral communication/work/stats/etc... being kept between the school and student. People are pretty anal about it too. But again, you're losing continuity by saying it's ok that info is made public even though you earlier said him being crazy or not doesn't really matter.
Im sorry but I dont see how im losing continuity? ...Even if I had said him being crazy or not doesnt matter - Which I DIDN'T (I said it didn't matter whether he was a NICE GUY or not) - How would that effect my opinion that the papers being made public is okay??
You're making no sense now.
I'm not even launching conspiracy theories against the media. All I'm saying is that we'll [the general public] never know the truth of what happened at VT or the prior life on Cho.
No one can really prevent school massacres.
How do you know?
The Columbine incident was supposedly because they got picked on. VT incident was supposedly because of a girlfriend issue.
That 'girlfriend issue' was initial speculation, have you even been following this? They found a note outlining hatred towards "rich kids, charlatans etc," You know fuck all about this considering how much you claim to...
I don't see the connections or patterns in motives there to prevent future incidents. Journals/notes/home-recordings are usually only found after the incidents.
Well now you're arguing that its pointless to even bother analysing these crimes and the evidence and just give up. Don't be fucking ridiculous. Like I said, people want answers, they want anything - this is an obvious pattern that is forming behind school massacres, so why shouldn't we look at it and focus on it? It would be stupid not to.
If you surf online blogs, I'm sure you'll find a handful of posts that talk about having a bad day at school/work and wanting to blow it up or take out a teacher/coworker, they may vary to different degrees, but that does warrant a need to call the fuzz and have them taken in for interrogations?
Who the fuck said that the fuzz should be called over something like this? I didn't even insinuate that. You're just being an argumentative douche here. I said they should get some HELP. Not be arrested and interrogated. For fucks sake.
Granted they may not be as bad as Cho's writings, but who's to say by brushing it off it may later turn into something big? Apparently that was the case with Cho from an interview with his English tutor/teacher.
What? Are you saying that it was wrong for the english teacher to suggest counselling? Could you relay your point here - Im confused about what you're trying to say.
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04-18-2007, 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by ninty
When it comes down to it, if you were to ban all guns, only criminals would have guns. Now what?
seems that most of these spontaneous spree-shooters don't even have a previous criminal record,
they may be moody bitches but usually at least appear to be law-abiding, however when these
people do snap for whatever reason, there's usually one thing that will assure they can instantly
and easily go to the top of the list of criminal acts, and that's a legal gun.
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04-18-2007, 09:01 AM
Stupid bitch keeps talking about the wind gusts in the cnn vid, she trying to get the meterologist position?
That's terrible. I've never heard of that many deaths in a school shooting.
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04-18-2007, 09:22 AM
[quote:dc6bf]No one can really prevent school massacres.
How do you know? [/quote:dc6bf]
I'll agree on that one. You can do anything you want, as long as you're willing to pay the price. You can't stop a suicide bomber who walks incognito in a marketplace or cafe. You can't even really stop somebody from killing the President, when you're dealing with people who are willing to pay the price.
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04-18-2007, 11:06 AM
[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":107e8][quote:107e8]No one can really prevent school massacres.
How do you know? [/quote:107e8]
I'll agree on that one. You can do anything you want, as long as you're willing to pay the price. You can't stop a suicide bomber who walks incognito in a marketplace or cafe. You can't even really stop somebody from killing the President, when you're dealing with people who are willing to pay the price.[/quote:107e8]
I disagree - Its a pretty generalized statement to make...Its true you cant stop all, but considering that school shootings are part of an 'epidemic' in modern culture - There may be a way to eventually move-on from these events being commonplace, but until then it is still possible to prevent school massacres, and plenty have been foiled....There is a typical detectable behaviour associated with a school spree killer:
[quote:107e8]A thorough study of all U.S. school shootings by the U.S. Secret Service warned against the belief that a certain "type" of student would be a perpetrator. Any "profile" would fit too many students to be useful and may not fit the potential perpetrators. Some lived with both parents in 'an ideal, All-American family.' Some were children of divorce, or lived in foster homes. A few were loners, but most had close friends.
While it may be simplistic to assume a straightforward "profile", the study did find certain similarities among the perpetrators. "The researchers found that killers do not 'snap'. They plan. They acquire weapons. They tell others what they are planning. These children take a long, considered, public path toward violence."[1] Princeton's Katherine Newman points out that, far from being "loners", the perpetrators are "joiners" whose attempts at social integration fail, that they let their thinking and even their plans be known, sometimes frequently over long periods of times. The shootings seem as though an attempt to adjust their social standing and image, from "loser" to "master of violence."
Many of the kid killers told Secret Service investigators that feelings of alienation or persecution drove them to violence. Instead of looking for traits, the Secret Service urges adults to ask about behavior: "What has this child said? Do they have grievances? What do their friends know? Do they have access to weapons? Are they depressed or despondent?"[/quote:107e8]
....On that page there is a list of at least 20 foiled plots, so dont tell me you cant prevent this from happening.
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04-18-2007, 11:30 AM
Are the arrested kids charged as adults? Or do they see a shrink, do some community service, and they're free to try again at a later point in time?
This can get into that whole idea of what Phillip K. Dick wrote in his book "Minority Report".
How do we know these kids really, truly, 100% sure were going to carry it out aside from them having plans at home, having access to a gun, or just writing about in online. ... /item.html ... huh-d.html
Those two sites mention wanting to kill teachers... are we going to see them up there on the foiled lists?
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04-18-2007, 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Sparks
Are the arrested kids charged as adults? Or do they see a shrink, do some community service, and they're free to try again at a later point in time?
This can get into that whole idea of what Phillip K. Dick wrote in his book "Minority Report".
How do we know these kids really, truly, 100% sure were going to carry it out aside from them having plans at home, having access to a gun, or just writing about in online. ... /item.html ... huh-d.html
Those two sites mention wanting to kill teachers... are we going to see them up there on the foiled lists?
You don't have an argument anymore. Stop trying so hard to be right, that's why we're arguing a totally different topic now.
Not only that but every point in your post is based on huge negative assumptions...
Seriously, what's worse - A kid going to counseling because of troubling images, to be analyzed - Or 30 kids dead?
What do you suggest? Just let this kind of thing happen?
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04-18-2007, 05:20 PM
if you havent heard. NBC received a package from Cho that he sent between the two killings. It basically proves this is entirely premeditated.
Supposedly one of the things in the package was a video of his first murder.
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