Now I know from a thread about two weeks ago, that there are some Flames on these forums, so did you watch the game tonight? Or better yet, did you see that piece of shit of a ref fuck us over?! My god, I've seen my share of pertty sucky refs over the years, that this was nothing less then a freaking inslut to the entire NHL! I mean dude goes and gives out a simple hit, not even a hard one, just enough to get his man off the puck. However, somehow, this worthless son of a bitch manages to call 2 minutes for roughing, damn it!
Then our player gets his head drilled into the glass, dude goes down and seems to be out. The ref calls 2 mintues for boarding! 2 fucking mintues!!!! mad: The guy could have had a busted up nose, knocked clean out or worse, a broken freaking neck! He didn't, but that's not the point! This punk should have gotten 10 mintues and thrown out of the god damn game, for that burtal...assault! Trust me, just look at the headlines on Score if you didn't see it. But no, the ref gives him 2 mintues!!!! He sure is sending out a great message to the rest of the NHL, of what will be allowed this season.....
Oh there is more. It's tied 4-4 with 1 mintue on the clock, of the thrid period. Iggy gets pushed into their goalie, and Iggy gets fucking 2 mintues for getting pushed down!!! Then they go and score. This mother fucker cost us the game!!!!!!!!! mad: eatthis:
Was he a old man with faded vison or a rookie ref, no sir! This man is an vetarn of NHL. Which is a freaking inslut in itself! He should be fired and banned from any type of retrun, for this undisiplined Bull Shit that we had to endure!
...There spaz over...I just need to get that out
