MOHAA vs Battlefield 1942 -
11-02-2002, 01:35 PM
What do you guys really think?
I've been waiting for Spearhead to come out but it's not here in the UK until December so I thought I'd give Bf1942 a try.
Honestly, I really think it lacks something that MOHAA has. I know that in Bf1942 you drive this, fly that, the maps are huge, every WW2 battle etc etc but for me it doesn't have the gritty realism of MOHAA.
The only way I can describe it is the 'realism' feel of the game is far less than MOHAA - it has a far stronger arcade feel.
From what I've seen of the game - it is a different one to MOHAA. Comparing say Destroyed Village with any of the levels in Bf1942 you really see this difference. Also, with the weapons.
Anyway, that's my sixpence.