Lest We Forget -
11-11-2002, 07:13 AM
I was going to post this in the other Remembrance Day thread, but that was shaping up to be a flame war, so...
At 5:00AM on November 11 1918, three representatives of the German government accepted the armistice terms presented to them by General Foch of the French Army. The demands of the armistice included the withdrawal of German forces to the east bank of the Rhine within 30 days; immediate cessation of warfare; and surrender of the German fleet and all heavy guns with no further negotiations until the signing of the peace treaty.
The armistice became effective at 11am the same day, and as the guns fell silent on the Western Front in France and Belgium, four years of hostilities ended.
In other words, OWNED.
Take a minute today and reflect on all you have and all you look forward to. The veterans of past wars have given you everything. You owe them a debt of respect and gratitude.
Lest we forget.