im having a bit of a stupid problem -
11-24-2002, 07:46 PM
ok first off i bought mohaa, which ran fine with my pci graphics card, it crashed a few but hardly at all, i could play it at high texture compression and high res, then i bought the addon expansion pack and i had to lower the specs, ummmmmmmmmm im sorry but why, there both the same engines and personally im sick and tired of spearhead crashing, why is it that you have to buy a 400 dollar graphics card to get outstanding performance, its real stupid, personally im kind of losing intrest in pc games cause i dont have the money to get a 400 dollar graphics card, id rather buy a car. i still think pc games are good and powerful but my god. to buy a graphics card for 400 dollars is nutz, i do not think the new radeon card is worth 400. more like 200
im sick of spearhead crashing on my system, mohaa doesnt do it so why should this do it