Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar -
03-10-2003, 10:39 AM
I gotta a couple of things to say about these:
1- Technically speaking, spelling, punctuation and grammar are not a direct indication of intellegence.
2 - Poor use of the above, makes posts difficult to read, blurs the intent of the post and invites flaming.
3 - While not truly an indication of intellegnce, there is only so much information with which you can form an opinion of other members. If you are too lazy to write in complete, understandable sentences, dont blame others when they are too lazy to try to decipher what you wrote.
4 - If I cant decipehr what you are babbling about after the first sentence, I quit reading.
5 - In high school, or college as some of you claim, you are marked off for poor spelling and such. No, thats not a true gauge of intellegence either, but it how you are graded. Guess what? Life works the same way.
6 - Flaming a non-native english speaker for any of the above is ghey. If you must flame them, do it in their native language.
For me it is a matter of self respect. I would not put my name on anything that sounds like it was written by an angry 6 yr old with a broken shift key and no spell check. Writing gibberish and then proclaiming your intellegence is like telling everyone that your rusted out pinto can take a corvette off the line, but saying you cant be bothered to show us.