03-19-2003, 03:27 PM
cry: all i have to add to this is that i contacted EA about the spearhead game for one when installing it started and stopped after the cd key well this was because with xp there can be some rundll32 issue's and well that fised it when i started playing it not all severs but most i saw the butt sliding i was like what kind of mad is that then i did or someone said so i called EA games to ask them if all these installs were corrupt and there respnose was that they were not aware of nor did they experience what i was talking about and lessor pc's wil always have some probs!!!!!!!! pissed me off i told them asua a7v33 boards 1gb pc2700 333mhz ram 160 gb maxtor drives , 9 internal fans ati9700 pro vid card audigy plat sound card what did i forget to run EA games???????????????? there resopnse "Oh ,well i will see what i can reaserch and eamil u .......never got it pffffffft!!!!!!!! M16: