A tk'er gets what he deserves -
04-05-2003, 02:30 AM
okay, I was playing America's Army a minute ago, and there was this stupid n00b, I think his name was Carbine08, anyway, he was on the same side as me, and was globally messaging, asking OPFOR not to kill him, and telling them that he was really on there side and that he would TK the rest of the US Army team. He was about 20 - 30 feet away from me, and I had my back turned to him when he said that, and promtly turned his gun on me and opened fire. His only problem, his M16 was set for semi-auto, and mine was set for burst fire. I spun around and returned fire. My paniced return fire ended up being more acurite than his aimed fire, and I killed him. After he died, a member of OPFOR globally messaged, saying "carbine08, I hope you learned your lesson" It's great giving a tk'er a taste of his own medicine angel:
PS: Sorry about all the spelling mistakes, I'm really tired right now.