saw it last night happy: and man lemme tell ya, it was the best movie ive seen in a long time. I say it was alot better than the first b/c of all the new cars and stunts. While Tyrese provided the "Comic Relief", the other cast such as luda, jin, the undercover detective(forgot her name), and those 2 mexican guys made the movie a complete success.
The cars were hella better man in this remake. My fav had to be brians Nissan Skyline. It made the 1st race scene 10 times better than the 1 in the original f&f. Overall, i think all of u guys should check out this movie b/c of all the goodlooking cars and somewhat "ok" acting.
Honestly, this is what pisses me off about this forum. I mean anything that's "popular" that comes out, must automaticall be trashed by everyone. We all must the cool kids who hate everything popular. I honestly liked the orignal and thought it was preety good. I'm gonna see the new one because my freind likes all that car stuff and it looks alright.