[quote="Bean 2":3dcb9][quote=Tripper][quote="Bean 2":3dcb9][quote=Tripper][quote="Bean 2":3dcb9][quote=Tripper]
Originally Posted by "Bean 2":3dcb9
Originally Posted by "Short Hand":3dcb9
Originally Posted by "Animal Mother":3dcb9
Its like 44540958340958 year old, n00b
Im so sorry i insulted your 1337ness. Will G0d ever forgive me eek:
no and neither will i. assume the posistion and prepared to get raped like the bitch that u are.
Do you enjoy raping guys?[/quote:3dcb9]
You didnt seem to mind when i raped u and who ever said i would be the one raping him?[/quote:3dcb9]
You raped me? That's news to me.
The fact that you think you raped me pretty much answers your question, right there.[/quote:3dcb9]
Dont deny ur feelings. Why dont u answer my calls? Answer that question![/quote:3dcb9]
Because you never made any calls? And because this is supposed to be some attempt at humour?
"OMG! IM gOiNg To MaKe HeeM UnCoMfortAble By PrEteNdinG I'M GaY! YeAh!"[/quote:3dcb9]
ur supposed to put who said the quote.[/quote:3dcb9]
Wow, it actually wasn't a direct quote. It's my impression of what you were thinking.
I'm sorry, this must all be way over your head. Try and keep up.