Sorry to burst your bubble but the 'Tiger' in SPR wasn't a tiger, It was built by the studio on a russian T-34 chassis (notice the Oil-Drum lid used as the turret hatch), those run around $7000 plus shipping, really cheap as far as tanks go (russian surpluss is just that way...). We just bought a SdKfz 251/D from england for $13000, still cheap, it was actually made by Tatra in Czechoslovakia durring the 50s, many eastern block countries used german designed vehicles into the 80s! Also the LCVPs were also made by the studio out of plywood, that is what they were made of originally (scary, eh?)
And, No, at least in the US, anyone can buy a Dewat (unfireable) display gun. It is just that if you make them able to fire, you will be in BIG, BIG trouble!
"Victory at any Price!"