Originally Posted by Gerard
I used to get dizzy with games like wolfenstin 3d cause of all the textures being identical through all the levels. Also if i play moh in windowed mode for a while then switch to full screen it gets disorienting for me.
Don't really play games much anymore so meh sleeping:
I used to get dizzy from an old-ass game called WWII GI because of shitty textures (essentially Duke Nukem 3d with WWII skins and weapons).
I noticed that after playing newer games like MOHAA one of my ancient favorites, Jedi Knight, makes me dizzy.
I'm pretty sure that the crappier textures are at fault,
sort of like if you keep your refresh rate at 60hz you can't tell its blinking, but leave it on 75 or 80 for a while and go back to 60 and you'll feel discomfort staring at the screen.