metallica rocks. st anger wasnt that bad, it just wasnt as goof, because most of their CDs are huge. and even if their more recent CD isnt that good, doesnt mean they cant play a concert good. i doubt their setlist is all st. anger stuff
metallica rocks. st anger wasnt that bad, it just wasnt as goof, because most of their CDs are huge. and even if their more recent CD isnt that good, doesnt mean they cant play a concert good. i doubt their setlist is all st. anger stuff
Think they played 2 songs
from St. Anger on their show
here in Sweden. The rest was
all the old stuff, such as One,
Nothing Else Matters.
i saw Metallica on the Summer Sanitarium tour last year, and it was a GREAT show. they only played 2 things from St. Anger, they played all their old shit from justice, ride the lightning, master of puppets, and kill em all. so good.
fuck you all, i saw them 3 months ago and they were the shit. pay the money maple. its so worth it, nevermind what all these guys who think that their music tastes should be preached upon others.