I thought you and him went to school together for some reason.
I was in Montreal last year. I've said this before and i'll say this again, Quebec has some of the hottest women i've ever seen.
I couldn't agree more. They way they dress, how fit they are (my possible reasons: they do smoke and drink lots of coffee), makes them very hot and available (at least sometimes). Check this link for [url=http://www.montreal-clubs.com/index.php?c=3&a=1:d2f46]tips[/url:d2f46] how to get them for your next trip.
- Move into my new house June 24. Has an in-ground pool.
- BBQing and drinkin beer poolside
- Going to Newfoundland for 2 weeks. Will be in St. John's for the George Street Festival (read: HUGE drunk)