02-21-2002, 11:43 AM
Well, after playing Medal of Honor for several weeks, I've come up with a list of changes/improvements that I feel would prolong the longevity of Multiplayer
Content: More objective maps. This should be a game based on realism, not the Quake3-style deathmatch it is now.
Maps: I must say I was severely dissapointed to find only 4 obj maps made it to retail. FOUR maps (and that's including the Hunt!) Also, why is every single obj map a BOMB/DIFUSE map? There are no goddamn objectives, just plant the bomb or defuse it. How about adding some assasination maps?
Omaha: Omaha is a joke, and purely deathmatch. Nobody is motivated to plant the bombs (no teamwork on the allied side).
a.) The two mounted MGs should be given a higher RoF and more power. All the time, I see axis choose their carried MGs when a big-ass killing machine (with unlimited ammo) is right next to them. The allies should fear this gun.
b.) The two axis bunkers should be draped in camo, so that nobody but the person behind the mounted MG can see out (and no allies could see in). This would help prevent axis AND allied snipers from dominating this map. It would also extend the 5 second average lifespan of the axis machinegunners (since they can't be sniped as easily)
c.) Add heavy fog to the beach, so the axis cannot see the boats (and the allies cannot see them). This would effectively eliminate allied snipers camping the beach. Also, darken the entire map so it looks more like a morning assault, not an afternoon assault.
Weapons: CKR mod (Crow King's Realism) is the best example of realistic weapon damage I've seen to date. The only fault I see is the axis MG does a bit too much damage (people are sniping with this thing!) The 3-shot bazooka on both sides should have an incredible reload time (somewhere around 30 seconds). EA even states that it used to take two people to reload anti-tank weaponry, so a long reload time would be expected with just one person. As a tradeoff for the reaload time, the radius of the blast should be increased (perhaps double?). I'm tired of seeing some guy fire a rocket at his feet when he's being rushed, only to kill himself in the process (along with his attacker). The penalty for suicide should be increased to something around 2-3 points, instead of only 1 point subtracted from the score. When a rocket explodes, you'd expect a big explosion, right? Add a bigger visual explosion when a rocket hits. When the pin is pulled from a nade, the timer until it goes off should start (instead of starting once a player throws it). A new death-skin ("charred") should be added for when a nade or a rocket goes off in a player's face. The sniper rifle is too powerful, give it a steadiness meter like in RtCW. Also, increase the time to bring the scope up to eye-level (2 seconds maybe?) --this would eliminate strafing with the mauser and '03 (absolute bullshit...)
Friendly fire: I'd like to see more servers with FF on. It makes you think before you shoot and helps supress nade spamming. An TK auto-kick mod is needed. After a certain amount of TKs, you're kicked. If you come back and continue, it would IP ban. If you TK at spawn, it should auto-kick (and ban if you come back and continue...) I guess this isn't really related to MoH, but I don't see alot of servers that give a way to contact the admin. Admins: Put your email, ICQ, AIM, etc. on the server so we can contact you when needed!
Classes: I'm beginning to see the need for classes (to promote teamplay), or at least a medic. The medic I propose would have bandages to heal wounded players. He/she would recieve points for doing so (see my suggested "points system" under Minor Changes). A small firearm would also be needed to get out of those "sticky situations" With a medic in place, the deathmatch-style "health kits" players are awarded when an enemy dies could be taken out.
Minor changes: "Awaiting gamestate" is nice (like Wolf) when a server is full. It's annoying to repeatedly type "reconnect" over and over to try to join a server. The "in-game browser" is crap. If a server is full, it boots you back to the main screen (and you have to refresh every single server all over again). Do away with the "kills" system. Instead, a "point" system would be added (like RtCW). Give players "points" for killing enemies, planting/defusing the bomb, healing a player (medic), assasinating a VIP (assasination maps), and anything else that promotes teamplay.
Anyone wanna share their ideas on improvements MoH could use?