Sorry to hear about your job. I know the feeling. I lost mine last May and have been trying to some stuff on my own ever since. It was been a slow start but things are looking up.
A guy with your skills should find something quick. Good luck!! I'll be praying for ya!
My manager, who was not informed of ANY of these layoffs, has lobbied successfully to have my termination reversed. Basically, I'd go back to work just like nothing ever happened.
I agonized over this decision all weekend and even though it's going to suck huge amount of ass, I am going to go back tomorrow.
It's really bad around here, South Florida. I've got a pretty good job and they treat me great, but I don't see myself doing this for the next 3-4 years. Looking for something with a pension and that type of shit. Fed Ex Freight here I possibly come?!
^ Bingo, without the notice. They fucked me over LARGE. I'm gonna leave at the most inopportune time. muhahahaha!
Fuck 'em in da mouth!
I dont know, Im all for fucking over people who have been assholes, but I try not to burn too many bridges with my former employers, just incase i need to use them as a reference.