06-24-2001, 02:14 AM
Nope, Not true. I've noticed that it seems there is a High Priority on modeling and featuring the Pz. Kpfw. VI "Tiger" Tank. There where Historically Only 51 or so Tiger tanks operating in the Normandie Front. But It seems that they have Tigers Guarding every Mailbox from Afica to Belin. Lets See some real Workhorses of the Panzerwaffe, The Panzerkampfwagon IV, The Stug III, and maybe a couple Panthers. Keep in mind also, that it was an unoffical front line rule to the allies, "It take 5 Shermans to take out a Panther or Tiger" So let's not expect a couple "Sticky Bombs" to that the fight out of a Tiger. (Much less, it's occompanying Support Mk III's With L/24 Cannons, and Panzergrenadiers)....