Your taste in games sucks, atleast OFP is more of a realistic combat simulation than DoD is. And quite frankly the sounds in OFP are very realistic, close to if not exactly what the weapons sound like. OFP is THE most realistic Combat Simulation to date, and it was made by guys who had actually been in the Military. The graphics in OFP are fine by me, I'd rather them do what they did..make HUGE, very well done outdoor environments and ok player models, then spend all their time working on making the player models awesome and not getting the environments right. The game is balanced very well, the graphics are above standard, the sounds come close to if not exactly right, the weapon ballistics are spot on, and its a great mix of tactical combat and flat out action. You can piss and whine all you want about how crap you think OFP is, but if you cant see how great and well done that game is you should take your head out of your ass and take a closer look.
Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to War and my fingers to fight.