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Default 05-23-2003, 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Vance1
I have Deja Vu alot, I will do something but I feel like I did it before, somehow.
yeah, that seems to happen to me too. When something like that happens, i just stop and think "Wait a minute, Ive seen this before" And Im serious, like Ive seen it in a dream
Deja Vu is all in the relationship between the eyes and the brain. I'm not sure about the scientific/biological reasons for it, but it's your eyes tricking your brain.

If it's real deja vu, and you're not actually seeing something happen for a second time (Very unlikely), then you wouldn't have actually seen it before, your eyes and your brain make you think you have.......or something like that.
No, It never happened to me before, i have seen it before. Dont mock me, but I believe that stuff has happened to me after I've seen it happen in my dreams or something. Its just weird, when i sit there and think it over about how ive seen this before. Scares me
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Default 05-23-2003, 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Vance1
I have Deja Vu alot, I will do something but I feel like I did it before, somehow.
yeah, that seems to happen to me too. When something like that happens, i just stop and think "Wait a minute, Ive seen this before" And Im serious, like Ive seen it in a dream
Deja Vu is all in the relationship between the eyes and the brain. I'm not sure about the scientific/biological reasons for it, but it's your eyes tricking your brain.

If it's real deja vu, and you're not actually seeing something happen for a second time (Very unlikely), then you wouldn't have actually seen it before, your eyes and your brain make you think you have.......or something like that.
No, It never happened to me before, i have seen it before. Dont mock me, but I believe that stuff has happened to me after I've seen it happen in my dreams or something. Its just weird, when i sit there and think it over about how ive seen this before. Scares me
You're gonna fail Science in high school, little one.
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Default 05-23-2003, 09:08 PM

not me, but scary anyways. my dad was flying to LA on september 11th, 2001. He always flies American, out of Boston to wherever he is going for business. but, his company's travel department or whatever got him delta tickets instead, we still don't know why. So, his plane was diverted to Ohio rather than slamming into the north tower. Pretty damn lucky and scary if you ask me. We all thought he was dead until he called and told us he took delta. I hope i never have to live through anything like that ever again.
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Default 05-23-2003, 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by cashwarsplaya
not me, but scary anyways. my dad was flying to LA on september 11th, 2001. He always flies American, out of Boston to wherever he is going for business. but, his company's travel department or whatever got him delta tickets instead, we still don't know why. So, his plane was diverted to Ohio rather than slamming into the north tower. Pretty damn lucky and scary if you ask me. We all thought he was dead until he called and told us he took delta. I hope i never have to live through anything like that ever again.
dear God, that must have been scary! Thinking your dad was just used as a weapon against the US by terrorists and is dead. Something close but not as scary is my mom was supposed to fly out on Sept 11, but to houston. Still freaky, same day as it happened. But in the paper, on Sept 12, they showed a pic of this man crying on the counter of the airline station. Underneath read the caption "Here 36 year old Bladdy-blah is weeping over the fact he sold his ticket at the last second which was on the plane which crashed into the North Tower" or something like that, better worded. Stuff like that just makes you think. Who made you change your decision? You, or some higher source?
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Default 05-23-2003, 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by cashwarsplaya
not me, but scary anyways. my dad was flying to LA on september 11th, 2001. He always flies American, out of Boston to wherever he is going for business. but, his company's travel department or whatever got him delta tickets instead, we still don't know why. So, his plane was diverted to Ohio rather than slamming into the north tower. Pretty damn lucky and scary if you ask me. We all thought he was dead until he called and told us he took delta. I hope i never have to live through anything like that ever again.
dear God, that must have been scary! Thinking your dad was just used as a weapon against the US by terrorists and is dead. Something close but not as scary is my mom was supposed to fly out on Sept 11, but to houston. Still freaky, same day as it happened. But in the paper, on Sept 12, they showed a pic of this man crying on the counter of the airline station. Underneath read the caption "Here 36 year old Bladdy-blah is weeping over the fact he sold his ticket at the last second which was on the plane which crashed into the North Tower" or something like that, better worded. Stuff like that just makes you think. Who made you change your decision? You, or some higher source?
It just happens, it's not fate. The world moves, shit happens.

What are you gonna do?
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Default 05-23-2003, 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Vance1
I have Deja Vu alot, I will do something but I feel like I did it before, somehow.
yeah, that seems to happen to me too. When something like that happens, i just stop and think "Wait a minute, Ive seen this before" And Im serious, like Ive seen it in a dream
Deja Vu is all in the relationship between the eyes and the brain. I'm not sure about the scientific/biological reasons for it, but it's your eyes tricking your brain.

If it's real deja vu, and you're not actually seeing something happen for a second time (Very unlikely), then you wouldn't have actually seen it before, your eyes and your brain make you think you have.......or something like that.
No, It never happened to me before, i have seen it before. Dont mock me, but I believe that stuff has happened to me after I've seen it happen in my dreams or something. Its just weird, when i sit there and think it over about how ive seen this before. Scares me
thats basically what happens to me, I see something in a dream then the same thing happens a few days later. Its really handy for taking tests (for some reason the hardest question shows up whenever I see those dreams)

but oddly enough a year ago I had a dream that someone had run a red light right infront of my car right after the light changed to green for me. a few days later it what I saw happened but because something looked familar I didn't accelerate as fast as I usually do and then the car sped by, but it was a different color than what I originally saw so it could be coincidence.
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Default 05-23-2003, 09:29 PM

yeah, like Ill dream of talking to someone, and i say some funny line, they lauch, and books fall off the desk or something. Then the next day it will happen, and I just think "I saw this somewhere"
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Default 05-23-2003, 10:36 PM

Back in 93' or 92'. I was in the 2nd grade and after school, we all went down to my friends house to ride bikes and play in the yard etc. Anyways, we started this bottle hitting contest or something like that. The rules were to ride down this steep hill on ure vehicle such as tricycles, scooters, bikes, powerwheels etc and hit the bottle. Being the dumb not so bright guy i am, i picked the freakin tricyle. So here we go. The race begins to see who can hit the bottles at the botom of the hill with their vehicle. So im winning right, going down the hill @ about 20 mph( very fast when going down a hill) and im almost to the bottles. Then all of sudden, i hit the bottle happy: and tried to stop but couldnt(b/c with a tricycle u gotta put ure feet on the pedals to stop it). I had my feet on the pedals but they quickly were thrown off my the speed of how fast the freakin pedals were moving. So im riding down the hill with my feet being dragged/drug along, and my shoes being scraped to death, and then all of sudden, i hit this car(at the time i didnt know what happened) and rolled across the street to this on the doorstep of this tatoo polar dazed, confused, and scared. I get up. I see this fat woman yelling for me and asking me was i ok very hysterically. I said yea yea yea or something like that. Aterwards, everyone wanted to give me some medical attention, and i wondered why??? I soon realized what had really happened and how dangerous it was. I hit the side of that womans cadillac on the drivers side door, and only if i had been like 1 second earlier, i woulda been run over by the entire car. I was freakin racing into oncoming traffic but didnt realize it 1 bit. mad: mad: mad:.
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Default 05-23-2003, 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by Sclass12
yeah, like Ill dream of talking to someone, and i say some funny line, they lauch, and books fall off the desk or something. Then the next day it will happen, and I just think "I saw this somewhere"
Happends all the time to me. I'll do something, then It will just pop into my head "Wait, I'v seen/done this before."
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Default 05-23-2003, 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by Quze
Originally Posted by Sclass12
yeah, like Ill dream of talking to someone, and i say some funny line, they lauch, and books fall off the desk or something. Then the next day it will happen, and I just think "I saw this somewhere"
Happends all the time to me. I'll do something, then It will just pop into my head "Wait, I'v seen/done this before."
Exactly. Its pretty creepy.
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Default 05-23-2003, 10:42 PM

I had a dream once that I was in a battle, an old battle (swords and muskets). I remember speaking spanish and I was on a horse. Then, I got stabbed in the ribs and when I woke up from my dream I felt a sharp pain where I got stabbed.

Anybody have an explanation for that?
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Default 05-23-2003, 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Innoxx
I had a dream once that I was in a battle, an old battle (swords and muskets). I remember speaking spanish and I was on a horse. Then, I got stabbed in the ribs and when I woke up from my dream I felt a sharp pain where I got stabbed.

Anybody have an explanation for that?
Im gonna take this from the Matrix

Morpheus says that what happens in the Matrix, happens in real life because "your mind makes it real" which I think is exactly what happens when people wake up from a dream where they got hurt and they have a pain there
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Default 05-24-2003, 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by Innoxx
I had a dream once that I was in a battle, an old battle (swords and muskets). I remember speaking spanish and I was on a horse. Then, I got stabbed in the ribs and when I woke up from my dream I felt a sharp pain where I got stabbed.

Anybody have an explanation for that?
I can explain it the best that i can, when u star hearing stories like "Did u hear that that constructuin worker feel off a 1 story building and racked him self on a bar" That makes ur nuts hurt cuz ur imagining a guy falling off a house racking himself. Maybe its like that only with a knife
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Default 05-24-2003, 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by Innoxx
I had a dream once that I was in a battle, an old battle (swords and muskets). I remember speaking spanish and I was on a horse. Then, I got stabbed in the ribs and when I woke up from my dream I felt a sharp pain where I got stabbed.

Anybody have an explanation for that?
Thats happend to me a few times, but as for me seeing shit happen in my dreams, i never see those things in real life. I havent had a dream i can remember in about half a year.

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Default 05-24-2003, 02:33 AM

It kind of scares me how many times I've been close to death. Reminds me every day that I have a reason to be here.

When I was a child, I was born with the cord wrapped around my neck. I spent the first 19 days of my life in a hospital only to find out that I had a rare heart disease. My parents were informed I had a 50/50 chance of survival to age 6, and I wouldn't live to see my 10th birthday. I had several heart attacks as a child.. my parents always seemed to find me just in time. At the age of four I underwent an operation performed in only 5 hospitals in the world.. 4 of them were in the US luckily for me.. the other was in the UK. My chances of survival were less than half, but they performed the surgery anyway after I'd walked up to my mother and asked her whether or not I'd die that day.

When I was around 8 years old, I developed tachycardia. It was a result of all the damaged cells from my childhood being recycled and destroyed (every 3-5 years your cells recycle.. if you've ever experienced a very serious trauma such as heart disease or a stroke this recycling can cause major but temporary health problems). For a period of 8 months I was at risk of cardiac arrest and had two incidents. During the second I was clinically dead for the second time in my life.

When I was 12 years old I was involved in martial arts. I can't remember the style.. it was something odd but started with an O. Anyway, I was involved in weapons training.. specifically staves, wakizashis and katanas. I got to the point where I was good enough to do exhibitions with two katanas when we went to show off in schools and such. While I was warming up for one of these exhibitions my wrist and shoulder locked up and my arm came swinging down at a bad angle. I ended up slicing just below my ear.. if the blade had been rotated a half inch differently I would have sliced right into my jugular.

When I was 14 I was shot at in downtown Norfolk by a decidely poor shot.

At 15 I was accidentally struck in the head with the blunt side of an axe being swung at full force (concussions are fun).

My first car accident was when I was 17. I still can't remember everything that happened while I was driving, but I managed to keep my car on the road for about 1000 yards despite the extremely hot roads. The police officer who saw the same thing to this day comments on my driving and how I should be dead.

About three weeks ago I was sitting a stoplight and my girlfriend called. The light turned green as she called. Normally I jump on green lights, but this time I didn't. 3-4 seconds after my light went green, a huge red truck came barrelling through the intersection hitting and killing the man in the car who had been in the lane next to me at the light.

Those are just the big ones that I can remember.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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