LOL, next time dont criticize how i spell animal, i spell how I want. If you dont have anything better to do with your time than check the spelling of every post in here, you need 2 get a lyfe. Never said i'm an internet bad ass anyway, I just dont appreciate ppl criticizing the way I spell... that's all. He had it all commin 2 him for starting all this in the first place... He brought it, i served it. comegetsome:
alright bro.. i wont talk shit anymore because its the fucking INTERNET . but if you want to bitch about people giving you a hard time just leave.. this place is just a big war between everyone on here. i just like to make some sigs in my spare time and i like looking at everyones good work (White Rabbit. Zoner. Polizie. etc)
Your damn rite it's a war, and i'll talk how I please about what I please. And i'll defend myself when people talk shit about me... if u want to call it "BITCHING" then so be it. But who started the "BITCHING" in the first place here??? Wasnt it Animal who bitched about how I spelt words? Did I ever have a problem before that, no. Animal is doing the Bitching here, not I. Animal is bitching about how I spell words. What am I doing then? I am defending myself against his bitching. I am also not gonna sit back and take it up the fucking ass when someone bitches about stupid shit when it pertains to me. If u dont like that, then U can leave. Get your facts straight. I am simply definding myself. Animal is doing the bitching.