Todays Youth -
08-31-2004, 12:09 AM
Alright heres something for you all to think about, at the lack of good serious threads i figure this should spark some good responses.
Contemporary social scientists have suggested that todays youth are maturing much earlier than in previous generations therefore, should the minimum age of juvenile court jurisdiction (age 7 in VA and around age 13 in other states) be lowered? Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not.
Basically i want to to know what you think. Is todays youth actually getting to the point that when they are young they know right from wrong? And should be punished more as an adult? I mean for instance the little kids who are like 8, i was with my ex-girlfriend and this little 6 year old girl asked us if weve made love. Im like wtf, where did you learn that one?! Or the little girls who are like 11 dress like britney spears and are having children for christ sakes.