Originally Posted by Bucknub
Originally Posted by Zoner
-- My 50" LCD HDTV. Well, sorta. I absolutely LOVE the TV, but the only pisser is that I paid $3600 for it in November and it's now on sale at Future Shop for $1999. Goddammit.
I fucking hate when shit like that happens, I was wanting to buy the Die hard trilogy on DVD for so long and I kept putting it off, finally I decided to buy it, and it came to like $90, the following week, hmv was having a sale on all kinds of shit, and the damn trilogy was up there for $49.99, pissed me right off.
if it was only a week, you should have been able to exchange it, or i would have at least asked them to give me $40 back since it is still under the return period..im assuming the return period is more than a week, as it is for most stores.