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Default 09-12-2005, 05:43 PM

Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "Milla":05a3a
Originally Posted by "TonyMontana":05a3a
please dont delete my posts and not tell me
I deleted the first set of bull shit, but since than someone has deleted some other posts, usually you know if i delette posts cause i say it in my reply. All iwant is for you guys to keep this thread civil and respectful, not saying "arent you people over it yet" or whatever other comment was made.
It is called freedom of speech...I get bitched on for talking about the 4 canadians killed by that american pilot...if i have to "get over that" why can't this be the same?

Murder is murder...doens't matter if it is one or thousands.
You probably got bitched at because you threw anti-American setiment all over the place like an ignorant tool.

Grow up, ass clown. rock:
I still don't see how being mad at the stupidity of one guy, an dprobably the rest of th epeople working with him...means you against over 300 million people of the country of America.[/quote:05a3a]

Every day of posting here I more and more get the idea from the yanks on this board that if you're not with them as Americans, then you're with the terrorists.....Or you're a moron.

Doesn't bother me too much. Noone gives a shit about anyone unless they're Americans. You can tell because if you say something kinda "mean" about hundreds/thousands of people that die in another country only Canadians or others respond to it negatively.....If it's about something American or Americans then the thread is instantly ruined.

Like I said though, I don't give a shit - Just making an observation.[/quote:05a3a]

Do you at least observe that people like rdeyes talk like they're suprior to everyone because of where they were born as well? Fight fire with fire...only people who speak like me against that bullshit gets noticed...and fuck no body can say what I say dones't get noticed.

I don't side with terrorists, but ti does seem like the fact that this happened to the USA it matters more...and in all honestly I probably do care about what happens to them as much as I do here because it always has an inverse affect on my country. But it seems like all we talk about is this shit...when stuff like Rowanda is not even discussed.

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Default 09-12-2005, 05:47 PM

someone delete the spam. guys, take it out of this thread. If not for me, at least for the people who died.
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rdeyes is Offline
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Default 09-12-2005, 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by "Pyro":d744a
Originally Posted by "Milla":d744a
Originally Posted by "TonyMontana":d744a
please dont delete my posts and not tell me
I deleted the first set of bull shit, but since than someone has deleted some other posts, usually you know if i delette posts cause i say it in my reply. All iwant is for you guys to keep this thread civil and respectful, not saying "arent you people over it yet" or whatever other comment was made.
It is called freedom of speech...I get bitched on for talking about the 4 canadians killed by that american pilot...if i have to "get over that" why can't this be the same?

Murder is murder...doens't matter if it is one or thousands.
You probably got bitched at because you threw anti-American setiment all over the place like an ignorant tool.

Grow up, ass clown. rock:
I still don't see how being mad at the stupidity of one guy, an dprobably the rest of th epeople working with him...means you against over 300 million people of the country of America.[/quote:d744a]

Every day of posting here I more and more get the idea from the yanks on this board that if you're not with them as Americans, then you're with the terrorists.....Or you're a moron.

Doesn't bother me too much. Noone gives a shit about anyone unless they're Americans. You can tell because if you say something kinda "mean" about hundreds/thousands of people that die in another country only Canadians or others respond to it negatively.....If it's about something American or Americans then the thread is instantly ruined.

Like I said though, I don't give a shit - Just making an observation.[/quote:d744a]

Do you at least observe that people like rdeyes talk like they're suprior to everyone because of where they were born as well? Fight fire with fire...only people who speak like me against that bullshit gets noticed...and fuck no body can say what I say dones't get noticed.

I don't side with terrorists, but ti does seem like the fact that this happened to the USA it matters more...and in all honestly I probably do care about what happens to them as much as I do here because it always has an inverse affect on my country. But it seems like all we talk about is this shit...when stuff like Rowanda is not even discussed.[/quote:d744a]

im not talking like im better than anyone else , just giving my opinion just like everybody else.

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Sniper101 is Offline
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Default 09-12-2005, 10:03 PM

this thread was started to remember those who lost their lives 4 years ago, now 4 years + 1 day, not to bicker and piss and moan like little kids. Suck it up, atleast for this one thread. I mean for heaven sakes, some of you are 50+, start acting like it

To Those that lost their lives as victims and who gave up their lives to save and protect their fellow people, their country, and if it may even be their religion, may you rest in peace, for we will not forget you

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Vance is Offline
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Default 09-12-2005, 11:05 PM

Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "Milla":35d7b
Originally Posted by "TonyMontana":35d7b
please dont delete my posts and not tell me
I deleted the first set of bull shit, but since than someone has deleted some other posts, usually you know if i delette posts cause i say it in my reply. All iwant is for you guys to keep this thread civil and respectful, not saying "arent you people over it yet" or whatever other comment was made.
It is called freedom of speech...I get bitched on for talking about the 4 canadians killed by that american pilot...if i have to "get over that" why can't this be the same?

Murder is murder...doens't matter if it is one or thousands.
You probably got bitched at because you threw anti-American setiment all over the place like an ignorant tool.

Grow up, ass clown. rock:
I still don't see how being mad at the stupidity of one guy, an dprobably the rest of th epeople working with him...means you against over 300 million people of the country of America.[/quote:35d7b]

Every day of posting here I more and more get the idea from the yanks on this board that if you're not with them as Americans, then you're with the terrorists.....Or you're a moron.

Doesn't bother me too much. Noone gives a shit about anyone unless they're Americans. You can tell because if you say something kinda "mean" about hundreds/thousands of people that die in another country only Canadians or others respond to it negatively.....If it's about something American or Americans then the thread is instantly ruined.

Like I said though, I don't give a shit - Just making an observation.[/quote:35d7b]
I'm against your country. Do you think I'm a moron?

The "Noone gives a shit about anyone unless they're Americans" is retarted, who gave tons of supplies to Iran after the quake AND abided by their rules by having the women cover up their hair? And whos citizens gave millions of dollars in donation and supples (not to mention the government) after the tsunami hit Asia? America did, and those are just the recent ones I listed. Obviously other countries donated very very generously as well as America did, but you can't say that we don't give a shit about anyone else.
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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 02:34 AM

he may mean in terms of our foreign policy. ie the US doesnt give a shit about anyone elses opinion, we're gonna do whatever we want and go to hell with dissent.
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Vance is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 02:49 AM

Hey, if any country wants to take over our position as world policeman, go right ahead. Then we REALLY don't have to care about anyone, cause we're not expected to.
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CoMaToSe is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by Miscguy
Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Originally Posted by Miscguy
Stop deleting my post. There far more valid than 90% of any of these bullshit post.
What, stuff like "DUDEZ BUSH IZ BAD" and "IT WAZ ISREAL"???

RIP, and never forget.
I never mention politicians in my justifications for my opinions. I would post what i actually said but some nazi would heil it again.
Sorry, I was just giving examples of what it may have been. I was in Pyri response mode. PM pls.

And can we please stop arguing and just fuckin ban pyri already?
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Johnj is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 07:05 AM

It's not against the rules to be a whiny little malcontent bitch.

**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
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Default 09-13-2005, 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by Vance
Hey, if any country wants to take over our position as world policeman, go right ahead. Then we REALLY don't have to care about anyone, cause we're not expected to.
I just don't see how the fact that you're the World Superpower gives you the knowledge to know what is right for the rest of the world. Like...Im sure no one wants America to be like a dictatorship in a sense that america is the dictator and we are his bitches.

I just haven't had anyone explain to me in a way id even remotly understand how the deaths of your American soldiers were justified in Iraq.

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Sgt>Stackem is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 01:39 PM

this is why I never responded to this thread. Some of you have zero respect, zero
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Sniper101 is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 04:55 PM

[quote="Sgt>Stackem":dc033]this is why I never responded to this thread. Some of you have zero respect, zero[/quote:dc033]
Its sad i know, the disrespectful fucking pukes mad:

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BeanerMan is Offline
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Default 09-13-2005, 09:20 PM

I haven't read anything disrespectful or derogatory aimed at the victims of September 11. I've just read peoples opinions about the governments actions after 9/11 and their personal views about the US government. Why do people think if you voice opposition to the US government you are labled anti US or you hate America? I don't understand this.
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Default 09-14-2005, 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by Vance
Originally Posted by "Pyro":b7071
Originally Posted by "Milla":b7071
Originally Posted by "TonyMontana":b7071
please dont delete my posts and not tell me
I deleted the first set of bull shit, but since than someone has deleted some other posts, usually you know if i delette posts cause i say it in my reply. All iwant is for you guys to keep this thread civil and respectful, not saying "arent you people over it yet" or whatever other comment was made.
It is called freedom of speech...I get bitched on for talking about the 4 canadians killed by that american pilot...if i have to "get over that" why can't this be the same?

Murder is murder...doens't matter if it is one or thousands.
You probably got bitched at because you threw anti-American setiment all over the place like an ignorant tool.

Grow up, ass clown. rock:
I still don't see how being mad at the stupidity of one guy, an dprobably the rest of th epeople working with him...means you against over 300 million people of the country of America.[/quote:b7071]

Every day of posting here I more and more get the idea from the yanks on this board that if you're not with them as Americans, then you're with the terrorists.....Or you're a moron.

Doesn't bother me too much. Noone gives a shit about anyone unless they're Americans. You can tell because if you say something kinda "mean" about hundreds/thousands of people that die in another country only Canadians or others respond to it negatively.....If it's about something American or Americans then the thread is instantly ruined.

Like I said though, I don't give a shit - Just making an observation.[/quote:b7071]
I'm against your country. Do you think I'm a moron?

The "Noone gives a shit about anyone unless they're Americans" is retarted, who gave tons of supplies to Iran after the quake AND abided by their rules by having the women cover up their hair? And whos citizens gave millions of dollars in donation and supples (not to mention the government) after the tsunami hit Asia? America did, and those are just the recent ones I listed. Obviously other countries donated very very generously as well as America did, but you can't say that we don't give a shit about anyone else.[/quote:b7071]

I'm talking about the general American manner on the forums you silly sally.
You (ppl bitching about not showing thread respect) don't give a shit when something is posted about people dieing unless it's American people involved and often show less respect, ruining the thread etc, and then as soon as thread like this pops up everyone goes fucking gorillangry at the absolute smallest thing....

....So if you expect people to act a certain way for american 9/11 threads etc..... Maybe you should think about the way you guys treat other threads.

This is a multi-national forum.

....and why are you against my country? What did it do to you?
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Default 09-14-2005, 10:22 AM

Tripper is right.


RIP to all the people who lost their lives sucks to have your life cut short just because of some religious morons.

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