Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
12-15-2006, 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Blitz":c562f]i would never support Xbox Live, since i think paying for online use will be the downfall of gaming (as with why i don't want to play WoW among other things)
no its because you have no friends to add to these services you gimp.[/quote:c562f]you=paying for e-friends, ps: get some melanin
the HD movie download service is really a sweet idea. IF you have a 720dpi HDTV it's great to have. The 1080dpi calls for one to buy the $200 HDDVD drive for it, which is still an amazing offer.
I really do think that Microsoft did a great job with their product.
the movies you download you dont keep its like renting movies so after 2 weeks i belive they get deleted.
right, but it's really convenient to use rather than traveling to Blockbuster or something. I'm not even sure how much HD-DVD's or BlueRay DVD's cost to rent. ANyone know?
the movies you download you dont keep its like renting movies so after 2 weeks i belive they get deleted.
right, but it's really convenient to use rather than traveling to Blockbuster or something. I'm not even sure how much HD-DVD's or BlueRay DVD's cost to rent. ANyone know?
i havent rented a movie in ages i just buy movies so even if i dont like it, ti adds to the collection
the movies you download you dont keep its like renting movies so after 2 weeks i belive they get deleted.
right, but it's really convenient to use rather than traveling to Blockbuster or something. I'm not even sure how much HD-DVD's or BlueRay DVD's cost to rent. ANyone know?
i havent rented a movie in ages i just buy movies so even if i dont like it, ti adds to the collection