As a Patriots fan, I will admit that the Giants played much better than the Pats. And deserved to win.
I think Brady's ankle was bothering him more than he let on, but its still no excuse.
I have been saying all through the regular season that the patriots WILL lose, its just a matter of when....I would have much rather them lost in the regular season, where it really didn't matter, than how they did it.
The Patriots failed to show up on the day it counted the most, they had so much more to lose than the Giants did. If the giants lost, they would have just lost like everyone expected. The Giants came to play and knew that they really didn't have THAT much to lose in comparison, but much more to gain in terms of having the biggest upset in superbowl history.
If the Pats had managed to hold on to win, and they almost did, everyone would be saying that was their worst played win of the entire season. The records are a nice thing to have, but they will always be tainted with a superbowl loss.
And WTF was Bellicheck thinking wearing a RED sweatshirt?? Where was the shitty grey one!
/rant over. GG Giants...there's always next year!