the new-age "shotgun" -
08-18-2002, 10:54 AM
ok, i know all of u are sick to death of the lame weapon comments, but i have to get this off my chest. i used to enjoy playing the realism modded servers because after all, they are realistic. but, it seems to me that the stg is taking over where the shotgun left off in the classic mode. all of these lame ass people that have a ton of kills think they rule the world when using an stg, when in fact they require no skill. the quickest rate of fire on the game combined with rifle-like accuracy is to me more frustrating than the shotgun ever was. just as with the shotgun, they charge right at u and 2 hits from that gun and your gone. (flashback to shotgunner running at me without a care in the world) i personally find it more challenging to use a rifle, which adds to the game for me. but when 10 out of 12 axis players rush in with stg's and kill everyone in under 2 minutes, that to me is so weak. challenge yourself people, grab something different for a change. i know im goin to get get flamed for this subject, but it is something i had to rant about. i can hear it already: "just keep your distance." "learn to aim better." etc, etc, etc. say what u will, but i am sure some of you agree with me. im out