It Could've killed you -
05-23-2003, 07:47 PM
Ok, Im watching Final Destination on FOX right now, and it gave me an idea for a thread. Have any of you guys decided not to do something at the last second, then find out later that whatever you were gonna do was tragic and if you were there you would have died? I'll share my expierence
Ok, when i was learning how to do boardsalides on my rail, i wasnt a kid who would wear helmets. Then it started getting cold in my garage (I was skating there cuz it was raining outside), so idecided to put my helmet on to keep the heat in from my head. I then go up to ollie and slide the rail when-lo and behold-I fall backwards and land with my head on the rail. I dunno if it would have killed me, but that action saved me a lot of pain.
Also, years ago, i was running around in the house chasing after my brother, and then i stopped and rested on the couch. I put my feet up on the table, which lid a pillow over on the sharp edge, blocking the edge. I then get up and run again, running by the table chasing after him, where I trip, and i fal, and my head lands on the sharp corner. But the pillow was there, so i didnt hit the edge, but rather the pillow. Also dont know if it would have killed me or not, but saved me a lot of pain
What are your expierences?