Originally Posted by Zoner
I'm all for adding another admin, but I'm not sure who. Last time I added an admin...well, we all know what happened there.
Before i was an admin, forums were totally fucked with phbb critical errors popping up anytime people tried to post or edit. Forums were down for hours at a time constantly.
I gave kyle access to my admin account, he removed one or two mods i added one or two mods, some cocksmokers got banned. And for anyone who still thinks the forums were hacked... oOo: yes this is what happened.
After i was admin badscript took an interest in the forum again and got it up and running, for a while we had some game servers which most people enjoyed.
Id say nothing really bad happened duriung that period, we had barely functional forums, the "revolution" seemed to light a fire under badscripts ass and he got the forums up and running properly again.
Not saying i wanna be an admin but during that time more good than bad happened. happy: