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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:11 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by First Man Down:

I'll take the absense of a repsonse as an indication that I was right. But if you have to sit there and imagine something up, please, by all means take the time. I'll be more than happy to respond once you've composed a rebuttle. And leave the childish dialogue out of it. I'm interested in substance, mate.
yeah leave the childish dialogue to me!

haha its so amusing during an otherwise boring day.
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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:17 AM

First-Man-Down, whether you believe it or not I am quite competent with the circle-strafe and associated BS. Though I refuse to bunny-hop. And if too many players are dancing (Circle-Strafing) I leave the game. Not because I can't compete but because I consider it lame as hell and don't enjoy it. If it came to stats I'd guess I lose six out of ten Circle-Strafes because I don't practice it. Generally nobody gets close enough to me to make it worth learning. I only encounter it when I go around a corner and an opponent runs head-first into me.

Sniper rifle...oh boy, I became a MoH master-sniper after about eight hours on Omaha yesterday on various servers. I hate to strafe-dodge, but doing it in the bunker was a slaughter-fest. It's the only way to counter the beach-snipers and the practice I got was invaluable. I got so bored popping people that I went on the MG's...I got wasted plenty but it was FUN.

I've never counted myself as a particularly outstanding FPS player, but MoH would make a one-legged donkey look good. Like I've said before, once you've 'mastered' MoH you're on a plateau that goes no higher. If mastery of MoH was a ceiling, 90% of it's players are standing bent.

Anyone can kill in MoH...the real 'skill' is displayed by those who do it AND survive bouts consistently. But they're easy to defeat when whole teams play like twats and rush willy-nilly...everyone dies then and 'skill' takes a back seat. Killing five opponents with a shotgun rush, then dying yourself, is nothing more than quake BS for me. I aim to kill and live, and if every other player is trying to do the same you have the perfect situation for a top quality game.

If you really want to test your gaming skills I suggest you get into sims. Three-dimensional combat, in virtual machines of widely differing capabilities, with a physics-based don't get no harder than that on a PC. Madrebel...nah, I won't even go there.


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Caparzo-2 is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:17 AM

in my personal opinion i say there's a adv and disadv in using current CPR mod now. the adv is your team can give better covering fire on close range. the disadvantage is when you use your rifle to shoot from far distance and able to kill enemy in one or two shots. CPR should make it less stronger over some distance. but then again IT'S JUST A GAME GUYS.. COME ON.. STOP HEATING EACH OTHER UP JUST BECAUSE OF a GAME?!? that's childish no matter who brings it...

that's it i'll never post a reply in this topic again...
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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:28 AM

some people just odnt understand that this is an internet forum. some people like myself like to flame cause its fun and my job is boring. so f off.

siggi is still a twat who knows nothing about how internet games work.

i do play sims some siggi. ww2online has a, IMO, very realistic flight model. As well as a very realistic infantry model. It has its problems yes but i excel at infantry in that game as well.

Plus i have a 6 to 1 ratio with the spitfire

if you want reality, GO PLAY A REALITY BASED GAME. MoH is NOT meant to be 100% realistic.

rouge spear ghost recon ww2online operation flash point etc... are those games. go play them and stop stinking up this board with your euro trash drivel.

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Ydiss is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:30 AM

Something I'd like to point out.

In no publicly (especially free) served online game will you ever, ever have spontanious teamwork.

You will hardly ever come across it. It happens if you begin to get to know someone, or you have a laugh with someone and agree to team up some.

But it rarely happens the whole team over without some kind of mass agreement.

If you are a good enough player, you can actually make others look to you and actually follow what you say.

But that is a rarer occurence than a room in Red-light Amsterdam not containing a pack of condoms...

At any rate... now the game is finally out and those who enjoy it will begin to play it we will see the emergence of clans.

There will be crap ones. Kiddie ones. There will also be the good ones, the elite ones.

Eventually we will have leagues, and competition.

That is where the more serious gamer will see the teamwork.

MoH is very well designed for the team-play aspects, and it will win you more games than any tactics seen on public servers.

That is what I am looking forward too.

CPR or no CPR there will be teamwork and stealth and all other realistic tactics of war that will be used.

Then we will see what this game is made of so far as objective play.

You can bet that whatever clan I play in will be playing both CPR and normal modes. I see CPR as less enjoyable, but I'll still play it to learn new things about staying alive.

Anyone who has already made a clan and set up a website ready to go can not tell me they aren't looking forward to that too.

If you hate what the game has to offer already, CPR or not, and all the possibilities the game offers for competitive teamplay then I suggest you stop playing it now.

It won't get any better for you.

Those who enjoy CPR, good for you. I actually have read your posts in this thread and some of the positive things that have been said about CPR have made me perhaps look at it a little differently.

That is what this board is for. I like discussions like these, minus the flames (<-- guilty as charged ), it has certainly opened my eyes a little.

Medrebel, you have a lot of good points, as does First Man Down. You're right it makes no difference to the gameplay on public servers. It also does make killing easier.

I agree with Siggi and others that it also makes dying easier.

What this thread has done to me is perhaps give me a new challenge I'm going to play some more CPR and see if I can overcome those as well

It's going to be around no matter what you say (unless the one you propose to design is better, of course) so unless you plan to never play a clan who only uses CPR (God, I wonder what rules they'll employ for that kind of thing) then you may have to forget some of your predjudices.

Put it this way. If CPR is so much easier to kill then it shouldn't be too hard to play when you are doing it competitively.

As for public CPR servers, though... well I see your points and agree with a lot of them, so I understand that you won't play on those.

It's your choice, you will always have that.

See you in the top division

[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 24, 2002).]
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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:35 AM

Sorry FMS, I didn't know you considered a UBB to be a chat-room.

Well Madrebel, do please tell us what protocols YOU use for you MP seem to have neglected that in your last post, you hole-digging chump. Technical expertise? Damn, I must have missed it when it shot out your big gob and rushed past my head at near light speed. Or maybe that was just the gusts of hot air you continue to guff, you inarticulate dunce.

And do tell me how you connect to your "dedicated server"...over a LAN per chance? ping in that case. So cue the BS..."I run a server from location X and connect to it from location Z." Prove it. You talk so much garbage about everything else, you insecure dweeb, that nothing you say can be considered trust-worthy.

For entertainment value you score high. Anything else, you're nothing more than an embarrassing spectacle. Can't be bothered to "proof read" your posts? Shouldn't need to if you could get it right the first time. That's called self respect or pride...a bit like keeping oneself clean or dressing nicely. It's how you present yourself to the world...and if you can't be arsed to do it well, assuming you know how to in the first place, you're nothing more than a grubby slob. If your syntax, grammar and spelling are anything to go by I'd guess you shower/bath but once a week and smell like a dead rat that's just been pulled out of a corpse's arse.

You're a state...sort yourself out.

(Ooh...did I just own your sorry ass? Or was that the whole thread?)


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Caparzo-2 is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:36 AM

fine with you madrebel. i don't have any problem at all. my mistake for offending you.
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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:37 AM

im not going to make a mod anymore.

i realized its more fun to overcome the annoying tactics people use(nade spamming rocket spamming) by either beting them at their own game or just changing tactics.

there isnt a single weapon in base MoH that cant be overcome by an intelligent skilled player.

obviously siggi isnt counted in that group.
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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:46 AM

I play both CPR and non-CPR too Ydiss. Only difference between them is I play only the sniper rifle now in non-CPR...and feel guilty for it too. I don't like having a wonder weapon whilst other's SMG rounds etc are effectively bouncing off my armoured hide. But on the other side of that coin is the fact the sniper rifle sucks in close maps. I can pop out and do somebody with a rapid-fire wep in non-CPR fights, but it doesn't happen how I like it to happen...short burst and they're dead. I have to stand there like a plank whilst I put the obligatory half a clip into them and give every sniper in range a free shot at me. Or run around like a muppet as I fire and feel like I'm the best armed maypole dancer the world's ever seen.

I get more satisfaction from sneaking around for half an hour and killing one guy who values his virtual life than I do from running up a 100-kill session on quak mode. But that's just me.


[This message has been edited by SS.SGW~Siggi (edited January 24, 2002).]
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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
lol obviously you havent played with me.

a person who has better aiming skill will totally dominate CPR why? because they can land 2 shots alot quicker easier than your average player.

and yes it does go both ways. since average players dont need to be as consitently acurate. they have a much better chance against more skilled players since they only have to hit them twice now instead of 4-6 times.

so therefor, CPR lowers the skill level across the board.

oh and it does nothing to change the gameplay, people still nade rush on CPR server, the Rocket launcher is still great for clearing a room and stopping a rush.

NOTHING has changed except now skilless lamers can actually kill me where as on a normal server they wouldnt have a snow flakes chance in hell.

Want quick kills? learn to hit the head. (hint the k98k is awsome for head shots)

What a load of codswallop. You, madrebel, can't stand being taken out by a skilled player who out-thinks you and gets the drop on you. Without CPR your failure to spot an enemy gives you a three or four bullet grace before you die...a chance to fire back.

When I out-think my opponent and get the drop on him I expect him to go down, not spin round and start firing back when he already has half a clip in his ass. That is arcade BS for me.

People that like to play non-CPR, no worries...I call it relaxed-realism and it's legitimate arcade fun for those who want a fun blast-em-up. Hard-core gamers like me like the realism factor at max. Madrebel, you better stay clear of CPR...sounds like you can't hack it mate.


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First Man Down is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 03:57 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> In no publicly (especially free) served online game will you ever, ever have spontanious teamwork.

You will hardly ever come across it. It happens if you begin to get to know someone, or you have a laugh with someone and agree to team up some.

But it happens the whole team over without some kind of mass agreement.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thank you, Ydiss for finally seeing the issues I pointed out.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
First Man Down. You're right it makes no difference to the gameplay on public servers. It also does make killing easier. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, it does make a difference to gameplay - it just makes it easier for poor players to score frags. This would only be the opposite if all the players on the server agreed to adhere to teamwork and act in terms of squad dynamics.

And, as Ydiss correctly pointed out, this is not possible. We've been weened on a steady diet of strafe/circle/run-gun tactics and that's how nearly all players operate. This is how MP games have been designed. Who started it? Who knows? Will it evolve? Who knows?

I would like to see a game where you can become more involved in the situation, where you can communicate with teammates in an effective fashion, and employ team tactics and strategies. The entire point I was making is that you can't yet. The game doesn't exist. With the CPR mod, you've altered the game to the point where the weapon tactics are removed and now all players are given the same opportunity to kill and survive. Tactics to avoid fire are worthless, and thus negating universally accepted MP abilities, which all players make use of.

I know where you're coming from, Siggi, but when you alter one part of the game to suit realism, the other parts you leave alone remain suited for arcade play. You get a conflict. Do you catch my drift?

I hope you all realize where I'm coming from.

[This message has been edited by First Man Down (edited January 24, 2002).]
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SS.SGW~Siggi is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 04:05 AM

"in cpr you could take 2 MG rounds in the leg and die. that isnt very realistic. the only place on the leg that will kill you is that major artery."

Lol, the ignorance. Obviously never heard of hydrostatic shock. Go look it up greenboy...something you might have missed in your fave hollywood fantasies because they've never heard of it either.


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landshark is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 04:12 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:

i do play sims some siggi. ww2online has a, IMO, very realistic flight model. As well as a very realistic infantry model. It has its problems yes but i excel at infantry in that game as well.

Plus i have a 6 to 1 ratio with the spitfire

The words WWII online and realistic flight model do not go together. Obviously you have never played a real flight sim such as IL2 or F4 or Mig Alley or even the dreaded SDOE! WWII online is a big 'ol waste of time and money so have at it punk!

On another note, I must say you kids are entertaining, stupid, selfish, ignorant blowhards and most likely virgins but this board is good for a laugh during the day.


Let's see who will be the first to tell me to shut up or go away or something.

btw, Ive seen better flame wars in church!!

Siggi, I really think you should show these kids what real angst is. Remember some of the rants of old? (Shogun, B-17 II, SDOE) I say stop trying to reason with them and let 'em have it

Sorry, one more thing,
I might get back to this discussion until tommorrow so feel free to curse my rant all you want, it's just words on a screen!

Now SOD OFF the lot of ya!!

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madrebel is Offline
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Default 01-24-2002, 04:16 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
I play both CPR and non-CPR too Ydiss. Only difference between them is I play only the sniper rifle now in non-CPR...and feel guilty for it too. I don't like having a wonder weapon whilst other's SMG rounds etc are effectively bouncing off my armoured hide. But on the other side of that coin is the fact the sniper rifle sucks in close maps. I can pop out and do somebody with a rapid-fire wep in non-CPR fights, but it doesn't happen how I like it to happen...short burst and they're dead. I have to stand there like a plank whilst I put the obligatory half a clip into them and give every sniper in range a free shot at me. Or run around like a muppet as I fire and feel like I'm the best armed maypole dancer the world's ever seen.

I get more satisfaction from sneaking around for half an hour and killing one guy who values his virtual life than I do from running up a 100-kill session on quak mode. But that's just me.

you are so stupid it actually hurts to read your drivel.

normal MoH takes maybe 6 shots to kill someone. I can usually kill in 3 shots with the M1 and 2 max with the mauser. SMG = 6 shots maybe, MG 4 shots should do. how is that "being armored" as you put it?

also to clear up your previous post.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Well Madrebel, do please tell us what protocols YOU use for you MP seem to have neglected that in your last post, you hole-digging chump<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>this was intentional because i know you dont know wtf youre talking about.

ALL inernet games use the udp protocol. udp is connectionless and is one of the 3 major tcp/ip protocols can you name the other 2?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>And do tell me how you connect to your "dedicated server"...over a LAN per chance? ping in that case. So cue the BS..."I run a server from location X and connect to it from location Z." Prove it<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>to be exact i host the dedicated server from a machine at work. it is directly connected to a extreme networks blackdiamond switch which is in turn connected to a ciso 3640 which is in turn connected to 2 sprint T1 lines. Both T1s are bonded together giving me effectively 3 megabits. How many channels in a T1 and why do T1s handle multiple connections better than dsl and cable? From there i connect to that DEDICATED server from my home 1meg/1meg sdsl line. I get pings of 20-50 from my house to my server at work. yes its a great ping but its not like actually being on the server since packet loss and such still applies to me.

and again i dont care about you or what you think of me you uptight euro piece of trash. i make enough money that i dont give a shit what others think about me either so f off.

my points still stand, you suck at MoH and you dont know shit about how games actually work in regards to the networking.
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Default 01-24-2002, 04:50 AM

Actually, mudshark, I was once of the only voices of reason. I do hope you weren't refering to me. And, no, I'm not a virgin. Does that count for something?
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