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01-24-2002, 05:30 AM
Just having a bit of fun at the end of the day. Home now with a g&t in my hand so no worries!!
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01-24-2002, 05:45 AM
go beat your wife alchy
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01-24-2002, 06:13 AM
Wow. This has been quite the "entertaining" read today. Personally, I think each and every one of you have a valid point.
Myself, I don't like the circle-jerk-straffe crap. When's the last time you saw something on the History channel, or in an encylopedia that referenced that shit? (Oops, I'm digressing already, this is a VIDEO-GAME, NOT REALITY.)
My point of view is in line with Ydiss in the respect that on a public server you will very rarely get teamwork. As a result, you just get this clusterf**k thing that we see now. (Nade spamming for the first 1:30 and mindless bum-rush tactics.)
Now at least on a CPR modded server, those "willy-nilly" folk will have their asses handed to em REAL quick. (And yes, I'm guilty as charged as I occationally do it.)
For me, ok spam heads read the words comming outta my mouth: FOR ME I enjoy having to be more cautious in my movements. This is because I know if I'm hanging my ass out there for the world to see it, well, there won't be much of it left to see. Unlike a non_CPR server where I can take considerably more punishment before paying the price for bad tactics.
Is this game REALISTIC. I think that answer is pretty obvious. If you really want to find out how many shots somebondy can take, go down to your local armed forces recruiting station, enlist and ask to be sent out to the front lines in our fight against terrorism.
In the meantime, find the server that best suits YOUR playing style and preferences. Who cares what f**king protocol this games uses as long as you don't have a really bad ping to the server you're trying to play on. And please don't start the techno-bable shit. It's not really the point of this thread. It seems to have gotten lost somewhere along the lines. Wasn't the original question asked by CorpusDan:
"So: My question is, does the reality mod somehow improve the accuracy of the rifle, or just the damage that it does?"
F**K, get over yourselves already....
Oh, I'm sorry. Was that your head I just put a hole in?
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01-24-2002, 06:15 AM
Siggi, I do understand what you say. No matter how many things we disagree on I do understand your point of view sometimes.
Last Man, sorry that was poorly written.. I was directing the last part of that sentance to Madrebel primarilly.
His point that people still rush on public servers even on CPR is what I meant. That doesn't really change.
It does change the gameplay, I agree. Which is one reason I may re-assess my opinion of CPR. I see it as a challenge.
It will be interesting to see how they manage matches between non-cpr clans and cpr only clans.
I know I want to be in a non-cpr clan that always plays CPR if the opposiing clan wishes it.
No point being 'the best' (I put that in inverted commas as we all have our opinions of what is best, and whether anyone can be best) if you say no to a challenge.
I'm off to bed, night.
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01-24-2002, 06:27 AM
mr small parts.
lord siggi was trying to say he knows something about lag. he doesnt, he knows very little. the fact that he compared a sim to an fps proves that.
dont argue about something when you dont know anything about it. he was arguing i was bitch slapping.
and yes, knowing how the game works on a technical level can improve your gameplay.
as to this statement <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Unlike a non_CPR server where I can take considerably more punishment before paying the price for bad tactics<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> like i stated before 3 well plaecd M1 rounds will drop you, 1 head shot always drops you. compare that to 2 M1 rounds in CPR. How is that a "considerable" difference?
oh yeah thats right, you CPR players cant put 3 shots on target in succesion with a close grouping.
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01-24-2002, 07:29 AM
Actually Madrebel, a typical TCP/IP stack is composed of 4 protocols, not 3...they are as following:
IP : Internet Protocol
TCP : Transmit Control Protocol
ICMP : Ping, Traceroute etc
UDP : User Datagram Protocol
And a T1 has (typically) 1 D channel (bearer) and 23 B channels
And your statement about current games using UDP as the protocol is not true at all. UDP being connectionless does not send an "ACK" packet back to the connecting PC. However ICMP (ping) does send ACK's back to the connecting PC. Games use TCP / IP as a whole, not just parts of it. If we only used UDP as a connection to games we would NEVER know what our Ping was (seeing as PING is a function of ICMP) !!!
Oh and to stay on Topic, I do enjoy the CPR servers a bit better than the regular ones. But spend time on both
Who was it that was talking about drivel?
Go back to class madrebel
[This message has been edited by CptObvious (edited January 24, 2002).]
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01-24-2002, 08:02 AM
Like I said, Madrebel excells at digging holes for himself. Hey Mad, howdya feel about that bit of public humiliation, you big mouthed know-it-all (not) tosser. I'm sure you're familiar with the expression "A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing." You should get a fucking licence and some public liability insurance, you sad sack of useless shite. Guffaw!!!
Ok, I'm done with tormenting Madrebel. It's like punching a six year old girl in the face. Or something. Mad, your motif wearies me. I'm off to find somebody who is able to defend himself with a bit of style.

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01-24-2002, 08:20 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CptObvious:
Actually Madrebel, a typical TCP/IP stack is composed of 4 protocols, not 3...they are as following:
IP : Internet Protocol
TCP : Transmit Control Protocol
ICMP : Ping, Traceroute etc
UDP : User Datagram Protocol
And a T1 has (typically) 1 D channel (bearer) and 23 B channels
And your statement about current games using UDP as the protocol is not true at all. UDP being connectionless does not send an "ACK" packet back to the connecting PC. However ICMP (ping) does send ACK's back to the connecting PC. Games use TCP / IP as a whole, not just parts of it. If we only used UDP as a connection to games we would NEVER know what our Ping was (seeing as PING is a function of ICMP) !!!
Oh and to stay on Topic, I do enjoy the CPR servers a bit better than the regular ones. But spend time on both
Who was it that was talking about drivel?
Go back to class madrebel
[This message has been edited by CptObvious (edited January 24, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
im aware of all of that. was trying to simplify it for mr siggi there. once the session has been established udp is the protocol used. since during a tcp session anything that is dropped gets resent. this wouldnt work well in games. also Internet Protocol is implied when talking about games. again i was attempting to make it easier for siggi to answer the question.
oh and there is such a thing as udp pings thanks.
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01-24-2002, 08:30 AM
Sorry SIGGI, he took the bait and answered correctly. Though UDP Ping is a rare thing as ICMP is the industry defacto, it is available.
UDP is used to stream the data for online gaming ONCE the connection has been established, ICMP can travel in a UDP packet easily returning the ping info back to the gamer.
Now Madrebel spit out "bang words" like switch and Cisco 3640 (which I work with day in and day out) Question is, are you legit Madrebel, or a whore?
I leave it at that as this thread was not created to butt heads about technical know-how
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01-24-2002, 09:10 AM
Ok, just to clarify things, Im not sure all of this network protocol really matters AT ALL. But, if you believe it does, then keep bitching like simple minded fools. However, the real topic of this thread is realism. *points to the Topic: Reality mod*
Now, to vent some steam after reading many many many posts not worthy of pissing on... Madrabel, you are one stupid stupid bastard who obviously believes that MoH is supposed to be Quake 3 set in WW2 era. This is far from true.
madrabel: "normal MoH takes maybe 6 shots to kill someone. I can usually kill in 3 shots with the M1 and 2 max with the mauser. SMG = 6 shots maybe, MG 4 shots should do. how is that "being armored" as you put it?"
If anyone else sees anything wrong with this statement, for the love of god and all that is holy, say something. In real life ( what this game was SUPPOSED to be modeled after ) 1 shot from the M1 at even a decent range (100yds +/- a few) would be a tough wound to recover from. Understandably, if you were shot in the arm/leg, hand, etc, it would be very possible to return fire or take cover. Getting shot in the chest or anywhere near the vital organs would make a man drop faster than your finger would depress the trigger, ESPECIALLY at close range. Your mindless ramblings stating how a CPR server takes no skill to play is utter garbage. The fact that you have to empty an entire clip into someone to kill them does not make you more "sk33ld", it makes you nothing more, nothing less. It takes true sk33lz to not get shot period, and that is what CPR is all about. I have never been on a CPR server, let alone any MoH server (thanks to the jackass hick town i live in, who opt against bringing cable internet around), although if I had the option, I would be playing on a CPR server in a heartbeat. Im done rambling. Ill be back later to put some AA fire on any posts madrabel is willing to throw out
What is the Walrus Punch?
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01-24-2002, 09:31 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CptObvious:
Sorry SIGGI, he took the bait and answered correctly. Though UDP Ping is a rare thing as ICMP is the industry defacto, it is available.
UDP is used to stream the data for online gaming ONCE the connection has been established, ICMP can travel in a UDP packet easily returning the ping info back to the gamer.
Now Madrebel spit out "bang words" like switch and Cisco 3640 (which I work with day in and day out) Question is, are you legit Madrebel, or a whore?
I leave it at that as this thread was not created to butt heads about technical know-how<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
if by legit you mean certified (ccna/ccie) not yet. ive configured probably 30 routers in my time...its been awhile but give me a few minute on the ciscos command line and i can "get the feel" again  .
my strength is firewalls/security, *nix based or checkpoint. i also maintain the extreme gear at work. know anything about extreme? these guys totally blow cisco away in the switch space.
half way done with the cisco press ccna book after that ill take the test. ccie is the goal the money is just so nice up there 
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01-24-2002, 09:42 AM
hey walrus <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I have never been on a CPR server, let alone any MoH server<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> so you admit to tallking out of ignorance.
the how come you talk about cpr like you know wtf youre talking about? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The fact that you have to empty an entire clip into someone to kill them does not make you more "sk33ld", it makes you nothing more, nothing less. It takes true sk33lz to not get shot period, and that is what CPR is all about<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
wtf do you know about anything
also CPR doesn nothing to make the GAMEPLAY more realistic. it just unbalances the weapons. this "mod"(read: they edited text files wow that is some great coding) adds NOTHING to the GAMEPLAY to facilitate more "realism" other than higher damage on the weapons.
and furthermore, since even in cpr you cant get a one shot kill unless you
a. snipe
b. get a head shot
c. use the mauser and hit the chest area
which means that it takes a minmum of 2 shots to kill correct(rifle shots). Like i stated earlier i can kill you with 3 chest shots in normal mode. Wow, big difference. Instead of hitting the body twice ANYWHERE(well maybe not the hand/foot) and getting a kill. You now would have to land 3 good shots in the chest to get a kill.
Since realism still as you stated model correctly the actual damage you would take from a .303 caliber round in the chest.
then wtf is the point of playing?
easier kills?
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01-24-2002, 10:46 AM
well then that needs to be modled in the game right? i mean its a "realism mod" right.
as for your previous "get the drop on me"
i was playing last night on my server with a guy /af/ something i forget. the guy was incredibly good with the smg. if you got near him, he would kill you. usually with half a clip. so i did my best to stay at rifle range with him. point is, if you can shoot, which sigi we all know you cant unless its your own listen server, then if your "get the drop" on someone they die anyways.
and again you would say stupid things like <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>What a load of codswallop. You, madrebel, can't stand being taken out by a skilled player who out-thinks you and gets the drop on you. Without CPR your failure to spot an enemy gives you a three or four bullet grace before you die...a chance to fire back.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Madrebel, you better stay clear of CPR...sounds like you can't hack it mate.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>youre assuming im not the player i say i am. so come and play man. i run a DEDICATED server sigi. youre euro trash but if you actually have dsl like you say you should be able to get a 200ish ping. some come on and play 5pm-8am pacific time.
if you have the skill that you say you do you should be able to compete.
but you dont and you cant.
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01-24-2002, 10:57 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
When I out-think my opponent and get the drop on him I expect him to go down, not spin round and start firing back when he already has half a clip in his ass. That is arcade BS for me.
Turning around half dead and killing the mofo that's trying to kill you is skill, my friend. It's what separates the men from the boys in terms of ability. Nothing is more satisfying than nearly dying, but taking down every bastard in the room and being the last man standing.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW~Siggi:
Lol, the ignorance. Obviously never heard of hydrostatic shock. Go look it up greenboy...something you might have missed in your fave hollywood fantasies because they've never heard of it either.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That is by far the funniest thing I have ever heard. Look, chief, if you're so interested in realism I suggest you enlist, you're not going to find it in a videogame, for chrissakes.
Alas, you've all missed my point - again. MP games are designed carefully, that includes level design, weapon balance, etc. Those factors exist to compliment player skill level and to promote exciting gameplay. By tampering with these factors you alter gameplay to the point where the weapons lose all tactical significance and suddenly all skills learned by advanced players become void.
MOHAA was never designed with your desired realism in mind, the maps don't facilitate that type of gameplay. I understand your wishes, but honestly, the game doesn't suit it. For example, if you alter the weapons you create a problem because the maps stay the same. People employ the same tactics, not necessarily consciously, but because the map fosters that style of MP.
Basically, you're trying to impose something that doesn't fully work. And by this, you're getting your realism, but those players with skill are losing their learned advantage and poor players are given a boost in their ability.
I don't know much about Ghost Recon or those types of games, but I've heard they're realistic. I'm not bothered by people playing CPR, but I'm trying to shed light on why it doesn't work. I hope you all see the light.
[This message has been edited by First Man Down (edited January 24, 2002).]
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01-24-2002, 11:16 AM
well i use both... use realism mod if you want to feel like you are in the real war.. always watch each others back.. look for possible ambush point.. hold position if you feel its not safe and check it.. use your binocular!
then again it's just a game! stay away from realism mod if you don't want to... who cares??
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