Peanut gallery
[quote="Doctor Duffy":bfb93]
Rofl, no, wasnt an insult, it's just pretty much this entire forum is full of losers (maybe not online, but in real life definently - ex: nyck) and you seem to be pimpin' it on a daily basis.[/quote:bfb93]
Nice fucking nose and name duffdytyaydugdygsyhvagah plus your 14 what the fuck do you know. now continue taking pictures of your face as you squat on various phallic objects
Originally Posted by "Doctor Duffy":bfb93
this entire forum is full of losers (maybe not online, but in real life definently - ex: nyck)
You're jewish. nuff said
Originally Posted by Bucknub
nice fuckin hat, now back to never getting laid