01-10-2002, 10:53 AM
The average German soldier was not a nazi....he was simply doing his duty to his country. Sure, some were. All SS Units were definately nazi, and thus were treated as such when the war finished.
I dislike people labelling all soldiers on the German part of the axis side as nazis and when a DEVELOPER called axis soldiers Nazis that really shocked me as to how little fact had been looked into. As a patriotic American I know Hollywood (which, face it, is where most of us get our knowledge of WW2) usually paints a black and white picture of good vs. bad - american vs. nazi but this wasnt the case. If you look at SPR there they tried to show there was evil on both sides. I'm not saying the Germans werent aggressors or being run by an awful fascist dicatorship, but the avg. soldier himself would have been fighting to save his life and his country NOT for hitler. Please do not make the mistake.
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