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Re: The Draft...if it comes back...
Pvt.Pinhead is Offline
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Default Re: The Draft...if it comes back... - 06-29-2004, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Isn't the conservative philosophy essentially founded on self-determination and individual rights? How can you thereby justify giving the government the power to deprive you of your rights by forcing you into military duty?
For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!! Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.
And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...
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Coleman is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
I agree somewhat of what you said but.....

I believe there were WMD's in Iraq before we invaded. Saddam had plenty of time to move them elsewhere. Being there is such a sticky topic because nothing of great value was found there, but speaking to friends who spent months in Iraq, they claim most Iraqi's are happy we're there. They just want to go to work and make money to support their families. The news harps all over the minorities who cause the trouble for the troops over there. Hopefully for everyone's sake, a stable government can be established and the people of Iraq can police themselves.
yep, I think he had them too. C'mon, how are you going to find some plutonium in a whole damn country? You can easily carry that stuff away in a pedestrian's vehicle and not cause a scene. It is like finding a needle in a haystack.

When they searched, did they not already have a schedual of where and when a place was going to be searched for WMD's? I might be wrong, but i thought there was a schedual released. If that was the case, it makes it 10000 times easier to hide and transport materials.

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by guarnere

Keep it civil.
Thanks, but it's been civil the whole time. Hey, could you tell the rest of the mods before they lock a thread, comment on it so we know who and why they locked it?

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by "Arkan":bf99c
Originally Posted by "Pyro":bf99c
Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":bf99c]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?
WHy not North Korea before Iraq?
Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?
I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.
Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:bf99c]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:bf99c]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:bf99c]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by Arkan
Originally Posted by guarnere

Keep it civil.
Thanks, but it's been civil the whole time. Hey, could you tell the rest of the mods before they lock a thread, comment on it so we know who and why they locked it?
I really can't tell them what to do...but whoever locks these threads without saying...please at least say you're going to lock it....and give a reason...
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Coleman is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro
Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.
funny how you bring up Micheal Moore when no one had any intentions of bashing him. Leave him over in Hollywood where he's being praised by the stupid celebrities.

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Re: The Draft...if it comes back...
Madmartagen is Offline
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Default Re: The Draft...if it comes back... - 06-29-2004, 01:22 AM

[quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a926d]For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.[/quote:a926d]
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by "Pyro":28210
Originally Posted by "Arkan":28210
Originally Posted by "Pyro":28210
Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":28210]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?
WHy not North Korea before Iraq?
Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?
I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.
Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:28210]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:28210]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:28210]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.[/quote:28210]

How can you be so sure the reader would supply that type of info? I believe you're wrong this's an important fact that shouldn't be left out, i'm looking out for that blind guy......whereever he may be!

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:22 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":45a51]
Originally Posted by Pyro
Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.
funny how you bring up Micheal Moore when no one had any intentions of bashing him. Leave him over in Hollywood where he's being praised by the stupid celebrities.[/quote:45a51]

Only other thing I remembered that dealed with the same thing. He is just an example.

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Re: The Draft...if it comes back...
Coleman is Offline
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Default Re: The Draft...if it comes back... - 06-29-2004, 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by "Pvt.Pinhead":ad88a
For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.
[/quote:ad88a]eh, Pinhead's post didn't really make that much sense...please disregard that.

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by "Pyro":c4bb7
Originally Posted by "Arkan":c4bb7
Originally Posted by "Pyro":c4bb7
Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":c4bb7]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?
WHy not North Korea before Iraq?
Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?
I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.
Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:c4bb7]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:c4bb7]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:c4bb7]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.[/quote:c4bb7]

How can you be so sure the reader would supply that type of info? I believe you're wrong this's an important fact that shouldn't be left out, i'm looking out for that blind guy......whereever he may be![/quote:c4bb7]

It should be the readers choice.

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:24 AM

No one is going to take Pinhead seriouslly anyways.

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Coleman is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by Pyro
It should be the readers choice.
STFU Mr. Carson Daily. Go back to TRL plzdie:

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Default 06-29-2004, 01:26 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":ae103]
Originally Posted by Pyro
It should be the readers choice.
STFU Mr. Carson Daily. Go back to TRL plzdie:[/quote:ae103]

Don't get TRL on MTV Canada.

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Arkan is Offline
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Default 06-29-2004, 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by "Pyro":9543a
Originally Posted by "Arkan":9543a
Originally Posted by "Pyro":9543a
Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":9543a]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?
WHy not North Korea before Iraq?
Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?
I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.
Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:9543a]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:9543a]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:9543a]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.[/quote:9543a]

How can you be so sure the reader would supply that type of info? I believe you're wrong this's an important fact that shouldn't be left out, i'm looking out for that blind guy......whereever he may be![/quote:9543a]

It should be the readers choice.[/quote:9543a]

Fuck that, someone's gotta look out for the handicap.

...and guarnere, that music is really head-banging shit isn't it? Was that the title of the album? I found a bunch of other songs by Unearth, but nothing with that title in it.

The world is my urinal
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