Played through this a laod of times now,

bservation mode.
Graphics are really nice for a game thats running on an updated\rewritten quake 3 engine, easily the best character\weapons models in any ww2 fps so far. The physics add a lot to the gameplay, mainly those gas tanks that you can send scooting along the ground and a good chunk of the environment seems to be interactive in some way.
The guy in the walkthrough video said that "the game will play different every time", in regards to ai this may be true but how about some of the scripted sequences. If you wanna actually feel that the game is playing diferent then seeing certain planes blow apart and the guard tower getting owned every time sorta takes away from this. A variable in the code to make the events more random would have looked better, maybe the guard tower doesn't get hit but the corsair stil gets blasted and sent flying into the hill, or occasionally none of these happen.
Ai ive noticed seems a little odd, i dont think ive yet seen the japs with the smg fire at me, anytime im hit its by a guy with a rifle, only time ive seen a guy with an smg was when he was in close slapping the shit out of me with it. They do some smart things now and again like the time one rushed into the hut i was in and started stabbing me with the bayonet, then again ive sen them do some really stupid stuff like one japanese guy charging me then suddenly stopping and kneeling completly like he was reloading his rifle.
Grenades need a lot of work, i dunno if its just me but when i throw a grenade i find it near impossible to tell if its went off or not. Theres very little smoke\fire from the explosion, the explosion (seems) barely audiable. Only time i know when ive thrown one and its went where i aimed is when the japs start to scatter from that area. The few times i have seen it explode it seemed to lay on the ground for 3 or so seconds (call of duty dtyle) before blowing up and doing barely any damage to the 3 or 4 japs that were closeby it. I think the actual grenade effect from allied assault was a lot better, you could see and hear it explode, in PA you seem to be left wondering "has it gone off yet?".
Also seems to have a touch of spearhead thrown in for good measure. You have a 50cal machinegun raping planes, you run outta ammo, you hit r and what happens....200 more rounds magically appear in the ammo loadout despite the fact you havn't moved a muscle. Seriously is adding a reload animation that hard? If im using an mg i want to FEEL as if im using an mg and not some static turret with unlimited ammo, (see day of defeat mg-42 mg-34 browning .30cal).
The physics and stuff are nice but the ragdoll seems weird in some ways, i shot one guy and he literally leapt into the air flung himself round and landed flat on his ass. Other times ive seen dead enemies laying on the ground in a sitting position at impossible angles. The one funny thing i seen was a jap on the ground sorta crawling around almost dead and 2 team mates seemed to run into him sending his body rolling over a few times. Ive also noticed that enemy weapons on the ground have a habit of floating just off the ground or slowly spinning in a circle. Oh and you can crawl prone through dead bodies, gg cod, remove please.
The command system i think was a waste of time, ordering advance retreat covering fire etc..i think ive used it once, mosta the time when you;re playing you just play and barely even think about issueing commands.
Despite its flaws they still have a few months to fix it, its really fun to play and retains the moha feel (to me anyway). Graphics and audio are really well done, ai can be dumb at times but other times it can be pretty smart. The weapons have a nice feel to them, the tommygun doesn't feel like an airsoft gun anymore like in allied assault, when you fire it the sound and the recoil makes you feel as though you're firing it.
Hopefully they can get some of the kinks worked out and still get it out on time.