bigzooka: Hi,
I have a server set up from work and i play from home, can i add or remove maps to the map rotation from a remote admin location, and can I add or remove the password protected spots.
If the maps are installed on your computer you can alter your rotation through RCON by changing the names that are in the sv_maplist variable.
rcon sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2"
would change your rotation to be those two maps.
Couple of things to know. If you change your rotation and do not include the name of the map that is currently running on the server. you will need to manually change the map to one of the maps named in the rotation for it to begin rotating.
Basically at the end of a map..when it is about to go to the next one, it simply looks up that sv_maplist variable and finds the current map in the list and then changes to which ever map is named next. So if the map your currently on is not in the rotation, it will not find it in the sv_maplist and not know which map to go to next.
Which is why I suspect that naming a map twice in the rotation screws up.
In my case, my sv_maplist is quite large. I do not what to type it all back in. So changing the server config file and exec it is the easiest way.
Yah, I still think that tool is great. Just plug in the info, and it makes the .CFG file for you. Pretty ingenius. Playing MOH these days is getting easier and easier.
Hey Guys Nice Rcon command page btw but about this rcon kill thing it kills the person in slot 0 but how can u kill others if they really piss u off???
When you say really piss you off, I hope you mean by being a trouble maker , TKer or cheater.
You should not be pissed if they are better then you. If this is the case then I would use the kick command. Kill only works on yourself. I have never tried using the kill command over RCON against some else.
Could be another one of the commands that was not fully implemented.