click on start and then clcik on run after than type msconfig in the box. clcik on startup tab and uncheck everything except systems tray. then go to my computer clcik on control panel , then clcik on systems and then clcik on peformance tab and u should see how much resource u have.
also u can defrag ur drive. and before that u can run a scan disc
i would download adware-- [url:27734][/url:27734]
and Evidence Eliminator--- [url:27734][/url:27734]
plus a defrag like the other post
I would just beat it with a sledge hammer and say GO FASTER U PEACE OF SHIT. But thats just me. biggrin: no but realy mmm dl some stuff or buy some stuff and it may go faster if you find the right things
If you asking here you must not know shit. Ever here the saying if it is not broke dont fix it. thats what i say you do dont mess with it. All them things they told you to do wont be noticable.