Hi all where can i find a list of bright skins so i can bar them from our server, i am using a programm called Delator 1.0 it runs like auto kick but the players name comes up in console when someone is using non normal skins, ok good job but it only comes with 6 skins and i have been looking everywhere for a list, may be we sould start to but 1 together.
i use a mod called dmzdogtag on my server
i have it set so that clients cant force models on my server
they can use whatever skin they want but w/o forceing models it does them no good.just an ide for ya it seems alot easier than trying to find list of all the bright skins mwah: you can find the mod at
he might be haveing problems with the site...check again later if not i can send it to you over aim if you want just give me your screen name and it sucks but you need to bring down your fire wall to transfer it...also if you email me i think that i can send it to you that way....blownfuse_gag@hotmail.com
Banning forced models isnt exactly being 100% fair as it does increase the frame rate by only having two skins to draw, instead of loads of individual skins. I understand the need to ban the cheat skins, i.e. Ronald McDonald and the neon skins, but MOH:AA comes with a few "technically" bright skins of it's own. The German winter skins are probably the brightest of the standard skins, but is it fair to ban them as they do come with the game? I myself play with Force Models turned on as it helps the frame rate with my GF2 Ultra gfx card, the difference can be anything up to 15 FPS. Which makes a big difference between jerky and smooth.
Be sure, however, to remove any spaces after the skin name when you paste it into the skin list. That's a known bug in Delator and will be solved on the next update.
Hi all where can i find a list of bright skins so i can bar them from our server, i am using a programm called Delator 1.0 it runs like auto kick but the players name comes up in console when someone is using non normal skins, ok good job but it only comes with 6 skins and i have been looking everywhere for a list, may be we sould start to but 1 together.
bar them eh or is it that you want to use them for your own advantage. Just look on the downloads section of this place and look for ones called gay hitler grandmaster flash and oyull find them there. Sad AA.com promotes bright skins hake: