11-11-2002, 04:10 AM
Actually it's not a good idea to rush a grenadier because they (i) will not hesitate to suicide bomb your ass. And we all know how much you all love being suicide bombed.
I don't understand it though.. You suicide bomb someone as they come rushing at you with an SMG on a realism(yuck) server. And they turn around and call YOU the idiot? WTF? They're the one's that got in your face while you had a loaded grenade launcher and they're calling you an idiot for killing them.
Not to mention that... If you suicide bomb someone the score remains 0-0.. But if you decide to just remain still and allow them to kill you without any opposition. They end up scoring and living. 0-1... So it's a no brainer to pull the trigger in this situation.
Just cracks me up that people call this a newb tactic.. I mean come on.. Your the guy with the SMG skillz.. Should of known better than to rush with it. You want to rush and get in someone's face I would suggest using a shotgun. Otherwise suffer.
Oh well.. People just have a tendency to cry aloud. I wish more people would hold there frustrations inside and learn to deal with them in the confines of the game. Instead of verbal assaults on the chat.