Well, this logo is supposed to be drawn with the PowerPoint Tools...so most of these students just used the tools...I wanted to have it done in Adobe, or Paint Show Pro 7. Also, the logo appears on every page, so it should be a reasonable size...the logos I did see, were just the initials of the person, or some sort of shape design. I was thinking about dog tags..., but if any of you can come up with some better ideas let me know. By the way, the one student who did his presentation on his guitars instead of himself, drew a guitar with those tools.
Hope that helps...
Thanks, for whoever is willing to help me...I bought Paint Shop Pro 7 earlier this year, or last year..., or whenever the original MOHAA came out...I need to learn the program. Unless Adobe is better.
You haven't said anything about what it is supposed to be. You need to be more specific as to what you want. People can make dog tags but what do you want on them? A pile of poop? Or what?
I sent you a PM asking what i wanted to know but having gotten anything back.
You never acctually tell us what is supposed to be in the image or what its really used for. You just say other people have them and your supposed to use the "power point tools" to make them.
What is your presentation about?
How big should the image be? OR
What is the resolution of the display screen?
What kind of words should be in it, if any?
Color of background the image will be put on?
Size is the key. If you say "resonalbe" well on my 1280x1024 screen an image 400x300 is kinda fair. But on a 800x600 screen thats fuckin huge.
The image can be anything you want..., but nothing bad. The size should be around the size of that German Rifle Man in that sniper scope picture...it can be square though.
The question is, I was also asking for ideas from you...