not sure if u can tell with pic but the scope lines when in game r very thin..looks pretty good in game but not sure bout the blue??...should i make it all black wi red dot or??????umm
thnx guys
the middle does have a bright red dot .... the pic quality is shite maybe thats why u cant see it much lol...ive had to reply cos my edit post button has fukked off
mad the way ive made this scope compared to a normal ..umm...well say the standard scope we c allie = 2 pixel lines ok..this is also allie but the lines on this scope r probably less than half the width of the standard scope if u know what i mean...mail me or msn me ill send u scope u tell me what u think,,k
i was messin round with the canvase sizes....i know the basic size and just was experimenting around and got it bigger and was tricky but got there eventually......umm...van u should maybe climb out of bed now and again besides going to sign on and check these forrums.....fux knows all about it from when it happend what 9 mnths ago?.....well i done 79 totally original scopes of my own which many have never been submitted...
k i made the red dot a little bigger and redder rid of
thnx again boys
thanks brutal....a fe new ideas im putting in motion so will post more pics in the next few days...hoping to hit the 100 mark by the end of weekend on 79 at min lol...a few hours at pc and