I took about 20 screen shots and i want to set one to the background or make those pictures most of you have under your text. I don't have any clue how to.
thanx monkey#1 bigzooka: eatthis: M16:
To set it as your background just right click it and go to set as desktop background. I think it mayhave to be jpg tho, im not totally sure about that. To Take em and make em into sigs just get a program like fireworks or paintshopro or somthing, take the tutorial and fiddle with it for a while till u get a feel of what it can and cant do. Then just experiment with diff pics and diff variations till ya get somthin ya like.
I took the screen shot but how do i get it up to the screen? does it automatically make it's on folder and go into there? once i get it out i can then set it as background. So i need it our before i can play with it...
thx monkey fire1: eatthis: M16:
ok u need some pait program like paintshop pro to change the pic to jpg or bitmap u will find them in the mohaa main screenshots folder when u have it done just right click on the pic and set to back ground to use one as a sig ull need it to b small about 300kb
to get paint shop pro go to the jasc web site and download the demo version or go out and buy it u can get an oem version for €50 (euro) thats about 35 englis pounds maby less to buy any other version will cost more
TY all, i got all my screen shots and made a picture. But how do i actually put it in? Do i put it in useing signature?
thanx monkey#1 biggrin: freak: biggrin:
ya we have some at our school for ppl who have them at home cause they dont use normal ones and the mouse is like 2 inches wide. It fits in the palm of your hand. They look way to girlish to.