I was in the |ece| server tonite playing MOH and one of the clan guys came on.i killed him a couple times pretty easily. I guess he didnt like getting his a$$ whipped because he did a really funny thing. I had hit him with smg fire and hurt him really bad. He ran like the biatch he is around a corner, and as i went in for the kill he went into SPEC mode. He repeated this a couple more times each time as he was about to die. His name was |ece| EX for those of you wondering. And let me tell you, he was VERY skilled at this art. Very fast on the trigger so to speak. Too bad he wasnt as fast on the fire button as he was on the Spec button.
Havok what the hell do we have to benifit from this little story anyway? No need to insult the mods either.
i posted this because i thought it was funny. i never had anyone do that before. and i dont give a rats ass if you have any benefit from this story. secondly what the hell are you talking about pertaining to me insulting some mod? nm i dont care
Someone with some intelligence and spelling capabilities comes on here to post about some cheesy move that some guy is doing from some popular clan and he gets chewed out. 95% of these posts on here are About Nothing and not worth replying to anyway. My post will never exceed 1000 unless they release a Brain pill thats mandatory for everyone to take which causes them to start posting about something worth talking about. I dont see that happening anytime soon.
[quote="Brutal CarNage":21306]Someone with some intelligence and spelling capabilities comes on here to post about some cheesy move that some guy is doing from some popular clan and he gets chewed out. 95% of these posts on here are About Nothing and not worth replying to anyway. My post will never exceed 1000 unless they release a Brain pill thats mandatory for everyone to take which causes them to start posting about something worth talking about. I dont see that happening anytime soon.[/quote:21306]
Hell yeah! Finally some people with sense. Even the mods spam and flame around here! half the threads I check are about something worth a shit, and ya got people right in the middle of it sayin "Your sig is too big" or "This should be moved". And then those same fuckchops have the audacity to call someone else a spammer. jeezus. wel we all know how most of the people with 2000+ posts got there huh.
btw, there is a key bind you can do to goto spec instantly with 1 keystroke. It's a cheap ass way to keep your deaths down so I'm not, I repeat NOT, telling anyone how to do it.