Explosion Chameleon Skins v1.0
Original Script Written by : IssisX
Original Idea for the Chameleon Skin by : BoBaLLoOo
Modified Chameleon Skins by : MPowell1944
Description :
Okay folks. The Explosion Skins have been totally redone this time around. All player models are colored and have the
explosion effect in them. Also, all player models are wearing a cap to match their body color. Here is the tricky part.
Behind a wall, you will only see the explosion effect. When you can hit them, the explosion effect will turn a selected
color, letting you know that you can hit them. Allies are bright blue. Axis are bright red. Now because both teams have the
same cap on their heads and the caps were the explosion effect too, i decided to make those solid. If you see someone
coming, look for the color of their cap, and you will know exactly which team they are on. Sounds complicated, but once you
see these babies online, you will know exactly what i mean.
Lastly, this time around, i have replaced all stock player models to avoid anti-forcemodels and to avoid the
allied_pilot/german_scientist kick that the admins give players using those skins. You are completely safe with this pack of
Contacts :
'Feel free to contact me with any problems or feedback you want.'
'This file is the known property of IssisX, BoBaLLoOo, and MPowell1944. You may not modify this file or its contents in any
way without the permission of those people listed. With that said, you may not submit any modifications as your own without
the permission of those people listed. Thankyou.'
I really do not care who flames me for doing this. Anyone who takes the time to make cheats are sick and should seek help. I do not post here a lot, nor read the threads too often. All I know, is that if these people did make these cheats, I want to let everyone know this. If you did not, better start explaining.