on CBS news I heard they were saying the first days on the attack of the new gulf war they were going to launch 300-400 cruise missles, next day the same, etc. makes me wonder.........WHAT THE HELL!!!!! complete BS, why would the military give out the plans?
Because they think that this will scare Saddam. We have a cocky President who thinks that the people of Iraq are going to welcome an foriegn army into their midst with open arms. And of course we all know this will stop the terrorist, you know Al Queda h, the group that hates Saddam and he hates them . And the rest of the world will respect us all the more because we destroyed and weak enemy with overwelming force.
Basically it is like the Mongols(i think) did in the middle ages. When laying siege to a city, they have their drummers just out of site beating thier drums incestantly to drive more fear into the hearts of their enemys.
The mongols used the tatic of razing whole cities to the ground killing and torturing with extreme crulety the man, raping the woman and killing the children sparing none except for two or so to tell the tale to nearby cities. This would strike fear into neighbouring citties that when the mongols came the door would be opened for them.
considering they have 4th largest army in the world, id say they would have more than a chance. and since they are allied with china, THE largest army in the world.. if they got help from china it would be an easy task.