the FG42, a german paratroop machine gun. I went through pak1.pk3 in my mainta folder. hmmm, there was a .tik there for an fg42 rifle, along with a texture .jpg . My question to all other experienced modders is this:
Is it possible to add this gun into the game?
After i post this i am going to try to make a mod replacing the gewehrgranate with this new weapon to see if i can.
to tell you the truth, i found a pk3 with it..and you can have it in the game...but...i cant see the gun in ur hand, and it replaces the k98 grenade launcher...if any of you want it, give me a holler
hey klop will this work server side or do clients have to download it in order to see it,, I d like your version that replaces one of the axis weapons if you could