This method works, but it won't work 90% of the time if you are playing rushing Axis (in fact, if the Axis know what they are doing it won't work 1% of the time).
The time it takes you to reach the roadway gives the closest Axis spawns enough time to either snipe you, or lob grenades right up yer bum.
Trust me, I've managed to get to the ladder room (as an Axis) and settle down before ONE Ally has reached it, so long as I spawn at the nearest point.
Just today I saw a 6-kill grenade that landed right on the road at the ladder-room corner (left me the only Ally alive, as I had held back just a tad... It was pretty awesome watching 6 players fly up in the air at once

Rushing as Allies can work againsts cagey Axis, or crap Axis players. Will work if you out-number them, too, unless they have a very clued up sniper.
People complain too much about Axis running out and grenade spamming the Allies as they emerge from the road-way.
I think the Axis should ALL start right near the church, to balance the map a little, but I still think it's ok when the Axis rush.
If it happens just hold back and grenade the 3 access points (road, alley on the left, and corner on far left) as Axis storm at you.
Firstly you avoid the hail of grenades at the start, and secondly the Axis will trip up on your grenades as they move in for their adrenaline kills.
What you can't do is simply camp the rocks on the road and wait to be overwhelmed. If you can make it (and it isn't always possible) you can set up a couple of assault weapon holders (shotgun, smg, mg and rifles) in the ladder building; This room is virtually grenade proof, at the beginning.
Have a sniper who is mobile (ie not one who sits there and waits until he dies from close range) snipe any rushers to the right, and far left.
Wait until you have killed the majority of the Axis rushers and assault weapons holders, then move to the bathroom building. By now you should have hopefully killed all but the Axis snipers. If you haven't then you still need to be on guard for sneaking left-overs.
One person (preferably a good sniper) move up to the bathroom and peek out. If he can snipe anyone it's a bonus but his MAIN priority is to draw the sniper fire, and grenade fire, from the end building and corner-houses. It is imperative this guy does NOT die, so he needs to be fast.
The idea of this is that all the snipers' crosshairs will be trained on the bathroom, awaiting that elusive kill. He gives the signal and the assault weapon holders charge left through the concrete ruins and take out the sniper building at the end of the street.
You will either have won already (most rushing Axis sides don't tend to hold back, except for the snipers in the end building), or be in a very strong position to now storm the Graveyard.
If at this time you still have many Axis left, trip the perimeter alarm and silently move through the mud-alleys to the hole in the wall (near bushes area) to the left.
Once in the graveyard never, ever stay still for more than a second. All Allies spread out, check the church (unless short on time) and then move in to plant the bomb.
Every game is different, and you can't always rely on the Axis to play it out this way, but if you're fed up with being rushed then try it out.
You only really need two competent players to do this plan. One sniper and one shotgun/smg/mg player.
But the more that do it, the more chance of success you have.
Timing is the key, you can't stay camped at the rocks for too long as the Axis will soon suss you out and storm you as a force, which can be devastating.
It works. Have many a time beaten the Axis when out-numbered with these tactics.
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 08, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by Ydiss (edited January 08, 2002).]