One of my brother friends invented a cloud of death for his mod....its reallllllly fun at the lan parties
would actually go perfect with thei think african axis player model? hmmm ill look into it for u you. most likely shudnt be that hard to make tho all u need to do i THINK would be apply some damage power to the smoke, just like the barb wire in the game. Dammit now i wanna make it
I really don'y have much....i tried inserting random gun damage code in and it had no effect. Im going to trying working on it tomorrow some more (becuase its midnight est now). If you can get it working, feel free to finish it but please document the code you inserted so I can learn evil:
If you got it working, I can definately tweek it. I was thinking maybe 20-33 damage per second...that outta be enough to scare the bejesus out of campers. happy:
I still have not gotten anything working...i tryid finding the damage from barb wire but resulted in nothing. As posted that MPowell1944's flamethower damage worked, I tried to find the damage code in another flamethrower mod but it didn't work. Anybody?
ok well fuck were gonna make it better...... Lets figure out the damage from there phatty mail me at and my aim is everythingiseazy add me and lets make like a teargass gun n kill some damn campers...... This would also be an effective way to kill everyone in a room but we would also need to make protection for people to wear....We can still be able to kill or atleast knock down there health
Why Don't You Guys Make A Mustard Gas Grenade. Kill people By Throwing Your Gas Grenades...i gas would be yellow....That would be good For killing Campers/Bazooka guys cause they run slow...or to clear out an area or a room.
Why Don't You Guys Make A Mustard Gas Grenade. Kill people By Throwing Your Gas Grenades...i gas would be yellow....That would be good For killing Campers/Bazooka guys cause they run slow...or to clear out an area or a room.
I don't know how this article read to you but that is what I want to do