Problem! Someone help out please! -
04-08-2003, 07:14 PM
My friend and I wear playing in a room, and the lag was horrible, so I exited. He got kicked..
Now everytime he loads MOHAA and enters a game, the game is in a small screen in the center of this monitor. He even uninstalled the game completely and reinstalled it.. Same problem. Anyone experience this before?
The game isnt minimized. the game in on the screen, its just not full screen, its in the center of the moniter, with the rest of the surrounding being black.. Ill see if I can get a screen shot from him, so you know what Im trying to say..
I've seen that problewm before with the newest drivers on some intel video cards, that can be the problem. He should reinstall the drivers with the disk that came with his comp. Also, you should get directx 9
I've seen that problewm before with the newest drivers on some intel video cards, that can be the problem. He should reinstall the drivers with the disk that came with his comp. Also, you should get directx 9
you think this would cause problems with just MOHAA, cuz his other games are fine. And it was fine until we got in that laggy ass room.