OK guys for all of us that have spent tons of $$$$$$$$ on PC's& upgrades and the such what would you buy if you had the Money to do it PC or MAC.
Let get ready to rumble.
Pc for gaming, macs are better for stuff like video editing cause theyre generally a lot more stable.
Not the ones at my school, even the new ones, peices of crap. I think any computer with a big enough hard drive (which mine doesnt have) is good enough for video editing. I have to save portions of moveis to cds, then import them later and peice them together as a final movie.
Pc for gaming, macs are better for stuff like video editing cause theyre generally a lot more stable.
Not the ones at my school, even the new ones, peices of crap. I think any computer with a big enough hard drive (which mine doesnt have) is good enough for video editing. I have to save portions of moveis to cds, then import them later and peice them together as a final movie.
same with my school (except the hard drive part) they got brand new IMacs(my class was the first using them) with PS7 they didn't run that badly they crashed and froze a few times then i got PS7 on my computer(1.2ghz Celeron, 256mb ram) and mine went faster.
You guys have such biased minds hake: My dad owns a Mac, at home and at work, and I have never seen wither one of them crash or have some problem. My PC on the other hand.....that's a different story.