i use this you can replace any one with something of your own:
alias speech1 say "get the hell away from me with that pea shooter!;alias chatter speech2"
alias speech2 say "mmmmm...smells like chicken...;alias chatter speech3"
alias speech3 say "i understand your crouching now, youre afraid...;alias chatter speech4"
alias speech4 say "yes, lay low, walk slow, make my job easier...;alias chatter speech5"
alias speech5 say "did you have your v8 today?;alias chatter speech6"
alias speech6 say "truth is i'm new at this, beginners luck i guess

;alias chatter speech7"
alias speech7 say "anyone know how to switch weapons? ;alias chatter speech8"
alias speech8 say "am i stuck using this weapon till i run out of ammo?;alias chatter speech9"
alias speech9 say "how do you jump?

;alias chatter speech10"
alias speech10 say "are these guys running around my friends? ;alias chatter speech11"
alias speech11 say "help me! my gun won't stop shooting!

;alias chatter speech12"
alias speech12 say "oops! didn't mean to kill you!

;alias chatter speech13"
alias speech13 say "sorry! that looked like it hurt!

;alias chatter speech14"
alias speech14 say "i'm just getting started! >

;alias chatter speech15"
alias speech15 say "you weren't ready, were you. >

;alias chatter speech16"
alias speech16 say "Could you put up more of a fight next time? I'm getting bored. ;alias chatter speech17"
alias speech17 say "Did you see that coming? 'Cause I sure as hell did! ;alias chatter speech18"
alias speech18 say "Don't move around so much--it spoils my aim. ;alias chatter speech19"
alias speech19 say "Gee . . . what a surprise. It was loaded after all. ;alias chatter speech20"
alias speech20 say "Guess your ping must be REALLY high, huh? ;alias chatter speech21"
alias speech21 say "Heh . . . Didn't turn out quite like you planned, huh? ;alias chatter speech22"
alias speech22 say "Heh heh. Use the force, Luke. ;alias chatter speech23"
alias speech23 say "Hey, blame it on lag if it makes you feel better. ;alias chatter speech24"
alias speech24 say "Next time, just kill yourself and save me the trouble. ;alias chatter speech25"
alias speech25 say "Next time, just run away. I won't think any less of you--promise. ;alias chatter speech26"
alias speech26 say "If you run . . . you'll only die tired. ;alias chatter speech27"
alias speech27 say "Just stay outta my way . . . you'll live longer. ;alias chatter speech28"
alias speech28 say "Just to make it even, I'll close my eyes next time. ;alias chatter speech29"
alias speech29 say "Maybe you should clean your mouse or something. ;alias chatter speech30"
alias speech30 say "Mommy! Mommy! Make the bad man go away! ;alias chatter speech31"
alias speech31 say "Next time bring a bigger gun. ;alias chatter speech32"
alias speech32 say "Oh man . . . That's gonna leave a mark! ;alias chatter speech33"
alias speech33 say "OH MY GOD! I didn't know it was loaded! ;alias chatter speech34"
alias speech34 say "Red is DEFINITELY your color. ;alias chatter speech35"
alias speech35 say "Respawn & die. Respawn & die. Don't you see a sad pattern in this? ;alias chatter speech36"
alias speech36 say "Sorry, but you remind me so much of my ex-wife. STOP BLEEDING ON ME!!! ;alias chatter speech37"
alias speech37 say "Well, that was a Kodak moment. ;alias chatter speech38"
alias speech38 say "What happened? Forget which way to point your gun? ;alias chatter speech39"
alias speech39 say "Why don't you just hide until the shooting stops? ;alias chatter speech40"
alias speech40 say "Why respawn? I'll just kill you again. ;alias chatter speech41"
alias speech41 say "You weren't ready, were you? ;alias chatter speech42"
alias speech42 say "And stay dead this time! ;alias chatter speech43"
alias speech43 say "And that wasn't even a full can of whoop-ass! ;alias chatter speech44"
alias speech44 say "And there's plenty more where that came from. ;alias chatter speech45"
alias speech45 say "And to think--this is my first time online! ;alias chatter speech46"
alias speech46 say "Are you sure you know how to play this game? ;alias chatter speech47"
alias speech47 say "Be careful, now--you'll shoot your eye out. ;alias chatter speech48"
alias speech48 say "BE . . . THE BALL. ;alias chatter speech49"
alias speech49 say "Be vewy quiet . . . I'm hunting wabbits! ;alias chatter speech50"
alias speech50 say "Bend over. Time for a spanking. ;alias chatter speech51"
alias speech51 say "Class dismissed . . . . ;alias chatter speech52"
alias speech52 say "Click yer heels 3 times & get yer weak ass back to Auntie Em. ;alias chatter speech53"
alias speech53 say "Could you put up more of a fight next time? I'm getting bored. ;alias chatter speech54"
alias speech54 say "Damn! That looked painful. ;alias chatter speech55"
alias speech55 say "Did I hurt your feelings? ;alias chatter speech56"
alias speech56 say "Does everyone do this well their first time online? ;alias chatter speech57"
alias speech57 say "Don't move around so much--it spoils my aim. ;alias chatter speech58"
alias speech58 say "Don't respawn right away. It just makes my score go up faster. ;alias chatter speech59"
alias speech59 say "Gee . . . what a surprise. It was loaded after all. ;alias chatter speech60"
alias speech60 say "Give me that gun before you hurt yourself, punk! ;alias chatter speech61"
alias speech61 say "Gonna do something, or just lay there and bleed? ;alias chatter speech62"
alias speech62 say "Got milk? ;alias chatter speech63"
alias speech63 say "Guess your ping must be REALLY high, huh? ;alias chatter speech64"
alias speech64 say "Hasta la vista, baby. ;alias chatter speech65"
alias speech65 say "HE SHOOTS! HE SCORES!!! ;alias chatter speech66"
alias speech66 say "Heh . . . Didn't turn out quite like you planned, huh? ;alias chatter speech67"
alias speech67 say "Heh heh. Use the force, Luke. ;alias chatter speech68"
alias speech68 say "Hey, blame it on lag if it makes you feel better. ;alias chatter speech69"
alias speech69 say "I won't stop killing until I'm made an action figure! ;alias chatter speech70"
alias speech70 say "If you run . . . you'll only die tired. ;alias chatter speech71"
alias speech71 say "It's not luck . . . It's Darwin. ;alias chatter speech72"
alias speech72 say "It's OK to be afraid . . . I'll understand. ;alias chatter speech73"
alias speech73 say "Just don't let failure go to your head. ;alias chatter speech74"
alias speech74 say "Just to make it even, I'll close my eyes next time. ;alias chatter speech75"
alias speech75 say "Look Ma! No hands! Or arms. Or legs, head, spinal column, rib cage, small intestine . . . . ;alias chatter speech76"
alias speech76 say "Maybe you should clean your mouse or something. ;alias chatter speech77"
alias speech77 say "Mommy! Mommy! Make the bad man go away! ;alias chatter speech78"
alias speech78 say "My grandmother would have put up more of a fight. ;alias chatter speech79"
alias speech79 say "Next time, just bend over and crack a smile. ;alias chatter speech80"
alias speech80 say "Next time, just run away. I won't think any less of you--promise. ;alias chatter speech81"
alias speech81 say "Nothing personal. You were just in my way. ;alias chatter speech82"
alias speech82 say "Now I see why I don't have any friends--I keep killing them. ;alias chatter speech83"
alias speech83 say "Now, now . . . no need to get worked up. ;alias chatter speech84"
alias speech84 say "Now play dead. Good doggie. ;alias chatter speech85"
alias speech85 say "Oh man . . . That's gonna leave a mark! ;alias chatter speech86"
alias speech86 say "OH MY GOD! I didn't know it was loaded! ;alias chatter speech87"
alias speech87 say "Oh, thanks! I was runnin' a little low on ammo. ;alias chatter speech88"
alias speech88 say "Oops . . . sorry. ;alias chatter speech89"
alias speech89 say "Pretend it never happened. It hurts less that way. ;alias chatter speech90"
alias speech90 say "Red is DEFINITELY your color. ;alias chatter speech91"
alias speech91 say "Resistance . . . is futile. ;alias chatter speech92"
alias speech92 say "Respawn & die. Respawn & die. Don't you see a sad pattern in this? ;alias chatter speech93"
alias speech93 say "Respawn your sorry ass and come get some more. ;alias chatter speech94"
alias speech94 say "Right now, you're asking 'How did he do that?' Well, pretty easily, I thought. ;alias chatter speech95"
alias speech95 say "Run, Forest! Run! ;alias chatter speech96"
alias speech96 say "See what happens when you blink? ;alias chatter speech97"
alias speech97 say "Sorry, but how was I to know you were such a wimp? ;alias chatter speech98"
alias speech98 say "Sorry, but I just hate to see good ammunition go to waste. ;alias chatter speech99"
alias speech99 say "Sorry, but I was really afraid someone might kill you before I did. ;alias chatter speech100"
alias speech100 say "Sorry, but you remind me so much of my ex-wife. ;alias chatter speech101"
alias speech101 say "Sorry. Didn't mean to make you look like such a jackass. ;alias chatter speech102"
alias speech102 say "Sorry. Didn't realize you were so fragile. ;alias chatter speech103"
alias speech103 say "Sorry, kid. But you were starting to bore me. ;alias chatter speech104"
alias speech104 say "Sorry. Nothing personal, but you were in my way. ;alias chatter speech105"
alias speech105 say "Tell me you weren't trying . . . please. ;alias chatter speech106"
alias speech106 say "Thank you, and come again. ;alias chatter speech107"
alias speech107 say "Thanks for the ammo! ;alias chatter speech108"
alias speech108 say "That had to hurt! ;alias chatter speech109"
alias speech109 say "That looked like it hurt. ;alias chatter speech110"
alias speech110 say "That must have just been a lucky shot . . . right? ;alias chatter speech111"
alias speech111 say "That was fun. Like kicking a kitten through an electric fan. ;alias chatter speech112"
alias speech112 say "This is my rifle and this is my gun! This is for fighting and this is for fun! ;alias chatter speech113"
alias speech113 say "Try again once you've learned what your doing. ;alias chatter speech114"
alias speech114 say "Try to think of it as a learning experience. ;alias chatter speech115"
alias speech115 say "Well, at least your good for a laugh. ;alias chatter speech116"
alias speech116 say "Well, that was a Kodak moment. ;alias chatter speech117"
alias speech117 say "What a waste of ammo. ;alias chatter speech118"
alias speech118 say "What happened? Forget which way to point your gun? ;alias chatter speech119"
alias speech119 say "Whoops . . . sorry about that. ;alias chatter speech120"
alias speech120 say "Who's your daddy? ;alias chatter speech121"
alias speech121 say "Why respawn? I'll just kill you again. ;alias chatter speech122"
alias speech122 say "With all this talent maybe some will rub off on the rest of you. ;alias chatter speech123"
alias speech123 say "With this cool, dry wit, I could be an action hero! ;alias chatter speech124"
alias speech124 say "Wow. I don't think I've ever fragged anyone so easily. ;alias chatter speech125"
alias speech125 say "Wow. I don't think I've ever seen so much blood before. ;alias chatter speech126"
alias speech126 say "WOW! You almost had me . . . NOT!!! ;alias chatter speech127"
alias speech127 say "You go down faster than a drunken prom date. ;alias chatter speech128"
alias speech128 say "You gonna do something, or just lay there and bleed? ;alias chatter speech129"
alias speech129 say "You know, your girlfriend went down just as fast as you did. ;alias chatter speech130"
alias speech130 say "You were already dead--that was just a reminder. ;alias chatter speech131"
alias speech131 say "You weren't ready, were you? ;alias chatter speech132"
alias speech132 say "Your day's just gonna get worse from here. ;alias chatter speech133"
alias speech133 say "Your lack of skill amuses me. ;alias chatter speech134"
alias speech134 say "You're dead now--SO GET OVER IT! ;alias chatter speech135"
alias speech135 say "You're doing wonders for my score. ;alias chatter speech136"
alias speech136 say "You've never done this before, have you? ;alias chatter speech137"
alias speech137 say "A Little Something For All The CrackWhores ;alias chatter speech138"
alias speech138 say "HO LEE FOOK ;alias chatter speech139"
alias speech139 say " I NEED SOME NEW TAUNTS ;alias chatter speech140"
alias speech140 say " YOU ON THE PISS AGAIN...? ;alias chatter speech141"
alias speech141 say "WHAT'S MY NAME ;alias chatter speech142"
alias speech142 say " DID I DO THAT...? ;alias chatter speech143"
alias speech143 say "TRY AIMING NEXT TIME! ;alias chatter speech144"
alias speech144 say "NEXT! ;alias chatter speech1"
alias chatter "speech1"
bind , "chatter"
echo "chatterbox loaded"
put in a new config or the unamed soilder config